News from Uberjack

While there will be no support for SNA files, as mentioned in an earlier post, there will be a more sensible way to quickly load and run disk and tape images in the next version of Caprice32 PSP.

For those who are interested in why exactly SNA will not be supported, here are the reasons:

SNA files are model-dependent. Once a snapshot is created for a 464, for example, it can no longer be used for another model, since the file itself captures the system’s identity
SNA files are emulator-dependent. They are of little use to anyone using another emulator
For the above two reasons, I do not want to contribute to saturation of SNA files on the web, when much better alternatives (ROM, tape and disk images) are readily available
Treating SNA files as regular image files means supporting save states for the SNA file. This just seems recursively silly
This decision is final (sorry); however, if you absolutely insist on loading SNA files, feel free to add such functionality by downloading and compiling your own copy (ah, the beauty of open source software).

I am aware of CPC’s inflexibility with regard to disk loading, however, and as mentioned before, there will be a more sensible way to load, say, Gryzor, and instantly see the title screen, instead of having to cat and run your way through BASIC. So pull up a chair and stick around, this should be interesting, if not fun and (gasp!) useful