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Thread: Duke3DS - Duke Nukem 3D for DS

  1. #1
    DCEmu Coder GPF's Avatar
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    Default Duke3DS - Duke Nukem 3D for DS

    NAME: Duke3D DS

    Description: port of Duke3D for the Nintendo DS



    here is the precompiled bin


    here is the DS source


    based off the GP2X port

    How to Play
    dpad move Duke
    a fire
    b jump
    x duck
    y escape back from menu
    lefttrig strafe left
    righttrig strafe right
    touchscreen change weapon
    select use item
    start select
    touchscreen look around
    start+select return to menu

    dldi patch .nds and copy it and defs.con, game.con, user.con, duke3d.grp and supplied duke3d.cfg to /duke3d directory of card.

    Give Your Feedback Via Comments

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    wtf I can't play the game I get an error:

    Unable to open /duke3d/DUKE3D.GRP

    how can i solve this problem?

  3. #3
    DCEmu Rookie 240-185's Avatar
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    does NOT work with my CycloDS evolution.
    Always having some trouble with .con files

  4. #4
    DCEmu Coder GPF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tahtah View Post
    wtf I can't play the game I get an error:

    Unable to open /duke3d/DUKE3D.GRP

    how can i solve this problem?
    Copy your DUKE3D.GRP file from either your full duke3d cd, or from the shareware version.

  5. #5

    Default Question

    Is there any way i can save my settings? Every time i run duke nukem it resets to default settings.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Coder GPF's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nintendofreak103 View Post
    Is there any way i can save my settings? Every time i run duke nukem it resets to default settings.
    i'll look into it and see why its not saving, also need to fix save game option also.


  7. #7
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Thanks for the port of this famous game ; and sorry in advance for my bad english.

    So here are my impressions and comments on your work
    1. it works great on my R4. No problem during compilation ; no problem during the game. No freeze (I mean : as far as I played it).
    2. the sounds sizzle, isn't light. When Duke is speaking, I guess what he says more than I undestand him clearly. But I think it's "normal" that'as the sound isn't that great, since you included the sound only from the last version.
    3. Since the very last version, there are no more graphical glitches (as far as I have played) : it looks great, really ! No graphical problem.
    4. In the absolute, the frame per second is enough to enjoy the game ; but it looks like it's 10 / 15 FPS "only" on DS. I guess the port is difficult, so I don't want to insist on this point.
    5. the really problem is, to my mind, about the controls. When I turn with the D-pad left or right, some times (the most part of the time), when you turn, the speed of the turning view is good, but when you unpressed the D-pad (left or right), the view turns very fast. In these conditions, it's very difficult to aim the ennemy and make the game actually impossible to play (for me). That's, from my opinion, the most important problem in the version you have released : actually, the controls are very vague ; and it's dreadful for a FPS game !
    6. Concerning the move control, in the FPS port for DS (like Hewen, Descent, Heretic, Doom, Quake, etc.), there's two schools :
    (a.) Dpad only, like Doom : the stylus is pretty useless : D-pad for move the guy, L and R for the strafe ; some times, you can control the view with the stylus, to aim ennemy in the height ; but that's all.
    (b.) Stylus friendly, like Quake or Descent : move the look with the stylus, advance and strafe with the D-pad, and fire with L (or R if you are left handled).

    From my point of view, (b.) give more fun to a FPS game, because of reproducing the feelings of the FPS game on PC.
    But, for this specific game that is Duke Nukem, I think it's could be better to adopt the (a.) solution, since in Duke, you don't have much (from my memories) ennemy in height, like in Doom. Seems that's the way you have chosen. :thumbup:

    Maybe the best would be to let the player choose what he prefers.

    I hope my comment will help you. For me, I hope a lot from your port, since I love "old" FPS, and particularly Duke Nukem.

    Thanks again ; and, again, sorry for my rough english.

  8. #8

    Default One more thing (I promise)

    In the third episode (Sharpnel city) when you walk into water the game freezes. Im letting you know so you can figure out whats wrong. Oh and by the way i forgot to tell you how awesome you are for porting this.

  9. #9


    Awesome port. I really enjoyed playing it again.
    Couple things:
    1. I believe this has been said before, the turning is touchy. It does not make it unplayable, just makes it more complicated to kill stuff. You could go both ways with the controls (QuakeDS or DSDoom). I have no preference.

    2. I used the DUKE3D.GRP file from the PC Atomic Edition, and I get two errors when I start it up. One error is:

    "ERROR!(L42) Parameter 'SPACE SHUTTLE' is undefined."

    I also get an error

    "Errors found in /duke3d/GAME.CON file. You should backup the original copies before attempting to modify them."

    This does not seem to affect playability though.

    Oh, by the way, I am using an M3 DS Simply on a DS Lite if you need to know.

    Once again, nice job on the port.

  10. #10


    The error messeage "ERROR!(L42) Parameter 'SPACE SHUTTLE' is undefined." happens when you are using the atomic edition of dukenukem3d. that was another problem i forgot to point out

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