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Thread: How to install cheats in gpsp by using vba

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Lightbulb How to install cheats in gpsp by using vba

    I think i got it.

    i played my pokemon firered ,saved my game the normal way(start-save file). And then i discovered a sav file in my save folder ( i am using the unofficial gpsp made by some dude around this forum i think) well then i remember doing something with my n-gage emulator en gettin the sav file in visual boy advance.
    if you download the latest vba on the emulator-zone website you can open your rom and then go to FILE-IMPORT-BATTERY FILE and then you can load the sav file. after that you can put the cheats in and save it so you can play it back on the psp by using FILE-EXPORT BATTERYFILE AND PUT IT IN WHERE YOUR SAVE MAP IS.

    Sorry for my english i am an afghan boy living in the netherlands. any questions ?

  2. #2
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I am thinking of making printscreens on my laptop so it will be easier to understand for some of you. when i have the time to do it i will post it here.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
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    try some print screens this is confusing

  4. #4
    PSP User Mr Corky's Avatar
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    As late as this post is I will still give some info, say that you u got pokemon ruby, while playing the game press start and save like you would do if you had a gameboy when it saves it creates a .sav file used by gpsp to allow ppl to click "continue" in the main menu instead of goin "quick load slot 0" this .sav file can be used in visual boy advanced the same way. just load it as a battery file and click "continue" in the main menu. If nun of youse understand this you should be shot as this is simple as piss to figure out for your selfs. thanks parwat for the post.

  5. #5


    This is how u put ur save data with cheats from vba 2 gpsp kai 3.3 (note
    it should work on all gpsp emuS)

    step 1 go 2 opsions on vba then go to emulator then 2 save type then select automatic
    and put the flash on 128k.

    Step 2 put your psp in usb mode then go to ur gpsp folder once again go to emulator and then
    go 2 select bios click on the bios that is in the gpsp. after that go to use bios.

    step 3 on your gpsp folder that is in your psp drag the game that is in gpsp to the vba.
    when u do that thegame should come up.

    step 4 (note the game will not load if u dont import the battery file tha is in your gpsp save
    exzample 1120 - Super Robot Taisen D (J) (Independent).sav it dosent have to look exzakly like that
    as long as it have <.sav>) after you load your game save from your gpsp save it again with ur cheats.
    Make shure u cut the cheats off before u save ur game again.

    Final step after u save your game export ur save data were yor save datas go
    there u have it YOUR DATA WITH CHEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    IF U still dont unerstand how 2 do this email me
    [email protected]

    i will try to make a video when i get a vido camra or a web cam.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Old Pro Wally's Avatar
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    Why do you people want to cheat..

    It ruins the purpose of the game


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