Batman: Arkham Origins developer Warner Bros. Montreal has indicated it will not release another patch for the game - a decision that has upset many players who have complained about game-breaking bugs since last year.Instead, the developer is focusing on upcoming story downloadable content."The team is currently working hard on the upcoming story DLC and there currently are no plans for releasing another patch to address the issues that have been reported on the forums," read a message posted to the game's forum by Arkham community manager "Mercury"."If we do move forward with creating a new patch, it will try to address the progression blocking bugs for players, not the minor glitches that do not prevent one from continuing to play. The issues that are not progression blockers will unfortunately no longer be addressed."However, some bugs relating to the PC version will be fixed, specifically an issue with Deathstroke's Quick Fire Neural Pellets and Quick Fire Proximity Bomb not working with PC mouse and keyboard.The timing of this fix is not determined."We apologise for any inconvenience this has caused for some of you, and want to thank you for having been patient," Warner Bros. Montreal said.Players, who have complained about glitches since the game released last year, reacted in anger to the news on the forum."I can't even finish the freaking game and you think it has no problems worth patching?" wrote SammehPwnz."Just boycott the DLC purchases for all current and future releases until the game gets PROPERLY FIXED," suggested DOOMGAZEDRGN.