the tyrian v5 rar is corrupted any one else gettin this problem ???
Any chance we'll see a bit more volume in the next version? The port is absolutely great-- the only complaint I have at ALL is that I can barely hear the music even with max volume in-game and on the PSP itself. It actually had me convinced I'd blown the speakers on my PSP somehow until I'd loaded up some other games and got much more audible volume on them.
Just an FYI, the 05 build has corrupt/bad CRC errors abound.
All of these files gave me bad CRC errors when I tried to extract.
I have been able to get the game to boot despite the bad .elf though (I used a to get all the files aside from the elf)
Anyway, my thoughts so far on .08
Looks great, plays great for the most part, but like Firehawke said...Music is WAY too quiet, it needs a volume boost!
Also, for some reason the Triangle button is acting as Joystick Button 1 instead of Space/Fire, just an FYI on that (Unless it was intentional, which is fine).
So far, so good...However, I would like to make a couple suggestions...
-While R is currently reserved for the Onscreen Keyboard, would it be possible to change this to another button? I ask this because personally, I would LOVE for L and R to be Sidekick buttons, they're perfect for it really. Since a game like this really doesn't control well with the analog stick, perhaps that could be used to call the onscreen keyboard? That or Start (Select already works for pausing anyway.)
-Increase the music volume output, this is a must please.
-If the idea of making Start call the keyboard flies...A crazy idea for the analog stick...How about letting it emulate the mouse? Any Tyrian player will tell you that some levels were even more fun using the Mouse to move due to the cheat potential (You can move faster using the mouse, and even go through unpassable areas due to the massive speed)
Anyway, these are just suggestions really, and feel free to take them with a grain of salt. Overall, this is a FANTASTIC port, it has earned a permanent spot on my Memory Stick.![]()
Last edited by ForteMP3; January 3rd, 2008 at 20:42.
The dcemu web server has been acting up recently.. anyway, I have re-uploaded the 0.5 version archive...
As far as buttons assignments- I wanted to stay as closed to the original sdl port as possible. I'll look in to boosting the music volume part..
I'm glad to see that you are even improving this nice, wonderful tyrian port wich took most of my free time when I was 15-16 years old (and is taking so much of my spare time right now...). Thanks a lot!!!!!!
thanks for the great port. i noticed with the latest version .9 sometimes the audio is crackly. also that the ship movement is tied to the joypad interface. i would love for it to be tied to the mouse input. as there are certian tricks you can only do with the mouse in tyrian. like whipping the ship through some of the repulsar barriers. anyways thanks again and keep up the great work! oh and i dont know if this helps but im running the game through eloader 1.00 on 3.71 m33-4
I can't access any of the special arcade modes with the new OSK, WEIRD, TECHNO, STEALTH... Is there any way to make them working again? Thanks!
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