I have been trying to extract data from the gps.txt file using http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/
It seems that small files work ok but larger ones it would tell me that it wasn't valid data.
However i can still read them back on the PSP (FAKEFEED=1) which suggests all the info's still there but for whatever reason gpsvisualizer can't read it.

Anyway i found a workaround for it that i hope will help others.

To get it to work all i did was open them both in notepad. Copy the first line of code (1) from a working file & paste/replace (2) the first line of the non working file

(1) ×   ' % -good
(2) ×    8 -replaced

Go to http://www.gpsvisualizer.com/ & convert it to a text file.

I don't pretend to understand the logistics of it all.
All i know is that it works.

Hope this will help someone out.
