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Thread: iXtreme firmware 1.4 ALL VERSIONS

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    xbox 360 iXtreme firmware 1.4 ALL VERSIONS

    via xbox scene

    A new release of ixtreme firmware, for all versions of drive (except v78/79 hitachi, which maximus will release shortly)..
    (v1.4) Disc jitter fix

    Note: Everyone is wondering why people were getting banned a few weeks back. Here is a short summary of our speculation:

    There are specific timers within the challenge/response protocol that may be checked by MS to determine as criteria for banning. We believe they are measuring one or more to find discrepancies. While a lot of this is speculation, and a lot of data is inaccurate as far as replication due to different mechanics, there may be specific timers that can be easily read. One that we are focusing on has to do with the degree's of disc rotation, which will generate a sum (0,90,180,270) and embed that data within the Security Sector file. Now, we recently have noticed a change within games in regards to that Challenge/Response timer.

    We recently found out that new games ripped with kreon drives will give back a degree, that in combination with ixtreme jitter, will produce a 360 degree value. This would be a unacceptable range (should only be 0-359). This is a detectable and possibly a criteria for the recent ban waves. Also, this would explain why some users got banned playing the same games that others played, and did not get banned. The point of jitter is to randomly give back proper values. With that in mind, a random jitter value from a kreon drive, with a random jitter from a ixtreme drive will rarely give back a 360 degree value. This new ixtreme will wrap that value to ensure that no 360 degree value can be submitted.

    Now, a note of recommendation, due to statistical findings. We have spent days ripping *thousands* of security sector's with various drive/software combinations and have come to the following:

    The most accurate/valid SS replication is done with a samsung drive using Schtrom 360 xtract or XBC. So far, we have seen only a very small percentage of 6701 rips in comparison to kreon. Now, given that, i think it is important to inform that this value was previously normal with older games. It may or may not be normal with *every* new game, but with some so far.
    So, if you are planning on backing up your purchased games, please try to use samsung with schtrom 360 xtract or XBC for the most reliable replica possible!!!! This *could* mean the difference from being banned on xbox live, or not.

    Now, as always, remember that you are modifying your console *at your own risk*. If you make a backup of your game and play it on xbox live, you will always run a risk of getting your console banned.

    This release also comes with firmtool 1.2, here is the changelog:
    - Added support for Samsung ms19
    - Added prompt for Samsung firmware to copy version strings.
    This will allow for those who want their ms25,ms21,or ms19 to report as a ms28.
    - Added Xtreme/iXtreme version detection in the hacked source
    - Added extra check of BenQ key range for odd BenQ firmware revisions
    - Rewrote firmware and version detection. Works properly with all spoofed firmware.
    - Added spoofed firmware detection

  2. #2



    Apologies in advance if this post is in the wrong section.

    I am looking to buy a new premodded xbox 360 Elite and should be grateful if you could recommend someone to me.


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