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Thread: Colorado Church Shooter Was Kept Away from Video Games By Parents

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Forum Colorado Church Shooter Was Kept Away from Video Games By Parents

    Matthew Murray, who killed four people and wounded several others during a pair of horrific church shootings over the weekend, apparently wasn’t permitted to play video games while growing up.

    The Denver Post reports:

    On another website, a poster named nghtmrchld26, believed by police to be Murray, said he rebelled against an upbringing that forbade him from buying rock music, video games and popular DVDs.

    Meanwhile, the All Spin Zone has published a lengthy collection of Murray’s online postings:

    Growing up, TV, Internet/computers, video games, music, Christian contemporary music, movies and books were all extremely restricted.

    Despite that, Murray apparently did play some unspecified video games:

    Yeah Diamond girl, when I was a teenager my mother would do a pat down to check for music, DVDs and video games whenever I came out of an electronics store like Best Buy or Circuit City. I’d still obtain things anyways, it was like getting drugs from a drug dealer, EVERYTHING had to be done in secret. lol

    I remember getting thrown around the room and hit while getting interrogated about whether or not I had video games and DVDs… I remember having to listen to everything in secret, at very low volume levels or with headphones, whether it was video games, TV, DVDs, or music/radio.

    GP: It’s always difficult to know whether to even raise this issue in the aftermath of a shooting rampage. However, since the Denver Post gives it a mention, I believe it is appropriate for discussion. And, of course, we know that certain critics will be pushing a video game connection, however tenuous, in any tragedy like this.

    In the final analysis, Murray seems like a very depressed, very angry, very disturbed young man who had access to weapons.

  2. #2
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    Ha, Jack-ass Thompson, you can't blame video games now!

    There's various types of people like this at my school. People aren't stupid, and once their brain starts questioning why exactly it is forced not to do certain things, it goes to seek them out. I introduced 60's, 70's, and 80's rock music to some people at my school (they used to only listen to Christian music) and they loved it. It's the main thing in their lives now.

    My take on insanity, I'm sure that these sorts of things could be blamed on the health care system. I was fine until I started receiving my vaccines, and then I became autistic. I wonder if certain people have susceptibility to certain vaccines that causes them to go bonkers later. It wouldn't surprise me.

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