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Thread: America A true to life Rant.

  1. #1
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Default America A true to life Rant.

    I've been a nice guy for a long long time. But there are things that bother me about today's society. Should the newer nicer shadowprophet avoid causing controversy and heated debate just to keep the peace..

    Not likely. Those who know me well, know I'm know to speak my mind from time to time in spite of the fact that I have a semi reputation to uphold. So what is this building up to what is my point. To many people around the net at less reputable sites find it amusing or even thrilling to bash americans. " this never happens at dcemu", We have a great community, But I speak of a much larger scale the entirety of the world wide web." I've spent so much of my time online respecting other people and countries that sometimes I forget to defend my own. I will admit america is in a "dark place right now" But what country has a spot free record. So many people around the net confuse fact while disrespecting the average american, "which has little to no power in this country" only the politically influential and top of the upper class have any real pull in this countries direction. But yet the average net user from another country finds it amusing to bash the average american because of the problems america is facing today. Those people those american bashers wouldn't know they have about as much power to change our country as the average american does. Which is absolutely none. This country is ran by fat cat politicians that line their own pockets, wile starving the poor man and ignoring the middle class. Our country faces an economic depression and others want to kick the average american while were down.

    What good does it do to kick the average american that has no power? Are you scared? are you too gutless to kick the people who deserve it? COWARD!!!!
    Im proud to be an american, Im proud to live in america, not because of our corrupt government, But because the bulk of us are people just like me. Middle class to poor with no pull what so ever politically. Our voices are ignored and forgotten by our government because we don't matter. like you "we have been screaming begging ! "please stop the war! But they don't hear our pleas. Just like they don't hear yours.

    Remember, The next time you decide to bash an american just because its easy to do in this dark time. Ask yourself. Am I bashing the Right person? Does the average joe schmoe have any real say so?

    Some day Things will get better, Some day after 2008, we will have a new president. And no matter who it is. or what their intentions are, they cant do a worse job then bush has. Our economy will slowly recover and this dark period will end. The war will cease. and things will begin to mend. around the world.

    There are few times I have ever been wrong. Not because I know everything but because Im not a betting man, Im cold hard factual calculator. And our dark time is almost over. the passing of 08 will mark the beginning of the end of americas dark age.

    This post, This entire rant. Isn't for anyone here at Dcemu. here at dcemu i've always been accepted as an equal on every level by almost everyone. The reason I post this here. Is because Dcemu Feels like my home. And what better place for someone to take their stand then their own front lawn.


  2. #2
    DCEmu Reviewer Shadowblind's Avatar
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    Americans are stereotypes as devils in the middle-east. No clue about most other places, but--and I'm gonna try to say this in the most respectful way--others are freakin' jealous. The next closest thing to the Am states is Britain, and its not very similar. This country holds 33% of the worlds economy, and it is currently stable AT a 1/3 mark.

    Theres not many other places in the world founded on freedom to exist and live how you please, and to do what you want, as long as you abide by the law. But jealousy turns into rage, as Cain's did toward his brother Abel. If you think about it, we're not perfect. In fact, we're far from perfect. End of the spectrum. But thats saying a d*** lot better then the other countries where I would be disemboweled instantly for being Christian.

    I have been brought up to believe everyone is equal, no matter who they are or what they've done. Everyone should be treated as they would have them treated. My philosophy is, and ALWAYS will be, it is not our place to judge others. I will never kill a human. It is not my place, or any humans place to deem someone worthy of life--or death.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Legend Accordion's Avatar
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    There is a vast difference between 'America' and Americans. Same for all, however often forgot.

  4. #4
    The Gaming Wolf wolfpack's Avatar
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    I too, am proud to be an american.

    Im just not proud of our president...retard...

  5. #5
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    I agree shadow, but I doubt that any of the new people will fix the war. It's a mess.

  6. #6
    The Filipino Guy kcajblue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wolfpack View Post
    I too, am proud to be an american.

    Im just not proud of our president...retard...
    he does suck.

    thats why hes a lame duck and has no powers.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Comrade pibs's Avatar
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    Its quite funny that people bash on "Americans" because that word is just a stereotype and label of the combined culture and politics in the USA, it does not accurately describe all of our nations people. I am a Chicano whose proud to be born in the USA but I wouldn't call myself "American" as I have a different lifestyle and culture from what is associated with "Americans".

    Its cool that you don't worry about defending your country sp, those guys are ignorant adolescents, probably from 3rd world countries haha who can't speak up in their homeland because they do not have freedom of speech.

    Btw who ever calls me a traitor for not calling myself "American" has the right to do so, but remember that I have the right to distinguish myself as an individual despite of your political righteousness.

  8. #8
    DCEmu Old Pro bah's Avatar
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    We hate your leaders, just as (at least in Australia) we hate our own. The people we have no problem with.

    Kevin Rudd didnt become PM recently because people liked him or his party, he became PM because people had hated the liberal party for long enough and felt like hating someone new for a while.

    People will calm down once bush is out, electing that guy, then doing it again is probably the main thing people object to about the American people at the moment.

    Americans are stereotyped in the middle east as the devil mostly because of the history of the US government messing with their affairs to secure energy resources.

    The saudi royal family live a life of unimaginable wealth, provided by the countries resources, and maintained by US supplied weapons and support, while the people of the country are poor and suppressed. You cant blame people for wanting America to stay out of their affairs.

    African leaders still support Mugabe despite how ****ed up his country (Zimbabwe) is due to the history of British oppression and his historical and current resistance to it.

    Even piss-weak Australia screwed the tiny nation of East Timor (that our military had just helped 'create') out of its fair share of energy resources not that long ago.

    Governments regularly screw other countries 'in the nations interest'. That this has repercussions later in the form of disenfranchised people who really object to our meddling shouldn't come as a surprise, and labelling them all as evil is just overly simplistic to the point of stupidity.

    Its the governments of all the 'free world' and the media we should all be directing our anger towards for doing unconscionable things in the name of short term national interest then lying to us about about why people 'hate us', not the average person on the street anywhere, including America.

  9. #9


    Heh i find myself bashing my American friends almost 24/7 for being American all the time but its not because theres really anything wrong with it. its more just to make fun of them for always making fun of other cultures... Im personally discusted in the way america handles race's and stuff... im canadian i know a but aboout multi culture... ya maybe theres some times i dont want to me nice and hold my tung. but alot of americans i talk to cant hold there tung at all and it makes me so mad... Im sorry if i bash you but its cause u either make fun of canada or another country and dont tell me no one makes fun of canada... but we dont go ranting about it... umm this is a bit scrabled in info sorry its late but im sure you get the point... and shadez i know your open to discussions so tell me why do americans or other countrys make fun of canada?

  10. #10
    Acorn Electron User
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    It seems pointless bashing people based on where they're from, but I hear a lot of it on Xbox live, mostly Americans insulting Brits but sometimes the other way around. I just ignore it. If they want to waste their breath on anonymous abuse then fine, it's them that appear ignorant.

    HeLL RaiSeR, don't the Canadian's hate being called Americans though. Although I've not met many (Canadians), those that I have were never particularly happy if someone thought they were American by mistake.

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