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Thread: map of Seoul (S.Korea) questions.

  1. #1

    Talking map of Seoul (S.Korea) questions.

    unfortunately, Google doesn't have Seoul (Korea) Road Map.
    instead it has a "limited" satellite view.

    now I'm living in Seoul as a student.
    I have done 2 maps of my area by using GMDL,
    but they are terrible.

    for some reason, I can ot download maps,
    I think google bans my IP after I get some maps
    (usually happens between 300-700 pieces)
    or maybe some zoom levels are not available on every part of that zone.

    I dont need "address finding" option.
    All I need is standart map (satellite or street) for Seoul.

    the 2 other maps which I tried to create looks not good and cant apply enough zoom.

    Ok, I know it's not very common, but.
    Please share any Korean(especially full Seoul) map with me if any available.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Pro
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    In most cases it's not legal to share maps.

    Google blocks you temporarily when downloading satellite imagery.

    You can try other map providers, Live Maps e.g. There's a whole bunch in GMDL .

  3. #3


    ok, I understand that I shouldn't ask for maps. Thank you.

    if I wait for a long time. (while GMDL is blocked by google) is it possible to continue downloading ?

    some locations has no max zoom level, but some have max zoom. it says "no maps for this zoom level" on google maps. if I select a map wich have max zoom supported areas and not supported areas at the same time will it cause a problem ? If I see same error meggase (as an image file) in my map it's ok. I dont need max zoom for everyplace but middle zoom for some ares are enough. but all should be in same Map folder.
    (sorry for my bad English, I tried to write fast, and I really want to learn )

  4. #4
    DCEmu Pro
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    I'm not quite sure how long the block lasts, but you could try setting a delay of 2 seconds or so (after pressing the Advanced button). Hopefully Google won't block you so quickly then.

    I don't think having parts of the map which are not available at max zoom is a problem. You get the same effect by deselecting them in the 8x8 grid when you press "Get tiles".

  5. #5


    ohh !

    that delay in advanced settigns...
    I'm going to do that right now

    thx again.

  6. #6
    DCEmu Newbie
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    mehmetcan, if you are living in Seoul, you'd better just buy GPS device designed for Korea, they are million times better.
    Esp in seoul, where everything is so complxed and complicated roads (with shops,etc). You are much better off purchasing the actual GPS device.
    (I assume you can read and understand korean fine?)

  7. #7


    yes, I have seen hundreds of gps models (for cars) in electronic markets. But there is no handheld model. Their handphones have some kind of subway map option but I'm not very sure. My phone doesn't have that kind of option.

    In Korea you have to make registration for eveything. And if you're foreigner, they always block your way. I lived here for 1.5 years, and I couldn't create on-line game account even I had Korean ID. without any reason. ^^ so here is a little bit interesting for that kind of things.

    my days are limited in Korea. Soon I will return back to my country, but for my last monts, I would like to enjoy with my PSP and GPS together. I want to visit temples, palacaes.... the places which I couldn't visit because of my hard school days.

    so far, I couldn't manage to create a useful map.

    this is the reason of my tryings.

    (my Korean is not good, just, I can make daily conversations.. survival Korean...)

  8. #8
    DCEmu Pro
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    Have you tried other map sources? Live Maps covers South Korea to quite some extent.

  9. #9


    I tried every Map Source Which is available on the left side of GMDT.

    Google, Microsoft VirtualEarth, USGS T.

    but what is livemaps ?
    do I miss something ?

    btw, there is a Huge readme file for Mapthis.
    but I couldn't find GMDT specific readme.
    still I can't figure out lots of things in it. aspecially advanced settings, mapcruncher etc.
    EDIT:I learned that, mapcruncher is another software which is not a part of GMDT,
    maybe GMDT uses outputs of mapcruncher. these will take some time for me to learn

    now I'm reading all the Mapthis manual from the beginning at wikibooks again. maybe I'm mising stg.

  10. #10
    DCEmu Pro
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    You can access Live Maps (using Internet Explorer...) at I'm not sure if it's also called that in GMDL.

    I'm currently working on the Map This! wikibook, but there's still a lot of other information too, particularly about GMDL at the bottom.

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