via Eurogamer

It's Friday, and that means Nintendo has lined up another pair of ageing beauties to glide Sophia Loren-like across your router's DMZ into the beckoning, slightly sweaty arms of your Wii's onboard flash memory. This week it's Mega Man 2 and the amazingly brilliantly named Top Hunter.

Nintendo has also chucked N64 title Pokemon Snap onto Virtual Console, although that's been there since Tuesday when the last patch was released. Like other N64 titles, it costs 1000 Wii Points.

Mega Man 2, of course, needs no introduction.

Top Hunter is a NeoGeo game from the mid-'90s, which Wikipedia suggests was originally even more amazingly brilliantly named Top Hunter: Roddy & Cathy, and which is - you will probably want to sit down for this one - a side-scrolling platform game that pits you against forest, ice, wind and fire planets in a battle to kill lots of enemies and bosses. It costs 900 Wii Points.

In that, Mega Man 2 (which I have recently been informed does need introduction) has little in common with it, seeing as it costs 500 Wii Points, although on the other counts they're quite similar: Mega Man wanders around 2D platform levels until he reaches the eight robot bosses and kills them, or doesn't and then has to do the level again. He is blue and fires stuff out of his arm.

However he doesn't look much like Top Hunter, as you will see from our Top Hunter screenshot gallery. We don't have any shots for Mega Man 2, but if you imagine a Mega Man game it looks like that. Dan Whitehead will be here tomorrow with verdicts rather than waffle. Er, probably.

Top Hunter screenshots here