Toy Commander!
Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 were definitely the best games on the Dreamcast. I've spent many great times on my DC, I love it.
Resident Evil - Code Veronica is one of the most impressive REs in the history. And I REALLY like Ikaruga, one of the best shooters ever! REZ is another awesome game. In fact, DC had a lot of awesome games. Mr. Driller is awesome too. :-)
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Some randomly up-scaled ps1 game is probably the greatest - Tony Hawk 2 or Soulreaver or something. It didn't have any noteworthy games if you ask me (and yes - IT IS a legit point of view - Zillions of people NOT buying the system can't be wrong). Ooga Booga was probably fun for half an hour.
the dreamcast is a prime example of sega's stupidity and arrogance
the company that has pretty much FAILED at its hardware attempts doesnt need to be pre-releasing a weak console, pissing off hardware manufacturers getting into lawsuits or leading the way with scary new technology
the year or so that this console lived it was amusing if it wernt for the homebrew (which was slow) this wouldnt be more than a speed bump like the master system and the 32x
sega still lives on with their games, but honestly i havent played one since i owned a dreamcast ... theres only so many times you can play 3d teenage jpop rock sonic without shoving a corkscrew in your brain, and theres not been a great deal of other- new product
Well, I never actually owned a Dreamcast, but my sister did. I remember two games that I played everytime I went to her house.
1. Crazy Taxi- wow, I dont think I ever actually got a class A liscense, but who cares, it was fun.
2. Sega Smash Pack- Altered Beast, Golden Axe, Shining Force, and other games all on one disc? Freakin sweet. Too bad I don't own a Dreamcast, oh well, I guess I'll just have to go download those games on the Virtual Console.
Dreamcast is awesome I still play mine all the time. Best games for looks are Shenmue,Soul Calibur & Dead or Alive 2. I was excited to see a couple of sequels from the Saturn on the Dreamcast Fighting Vipers 2 & House of the Dead 2. But lets face it there were many fantastic games for it rez, Bangai-O, Crazy taxi, virtua-On, the sports series...etc..etc..
I can't believe no one has said about this game and it is one of my favorite games. Grandia 2 is so good in its story and has a very dark side to it haha. Aside from the Sonic Adventure series, I have to say my top of all is Grandia 2 for the Sega Dreamcast. The others are Evolution 1 / 2 and also Jet Grind Radio. Great Games.
i cant believe that no-one has mentioned chu-chu rocket and the free magazine game Sega Swirl
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