Call of Duty might be popular, but do you know what it hasn’t got? Robots, that’s what.
I have to admit – I was wary approaching the recently announced beta for Titanfall, the upcoming first-person mech-shooter from developer Respawn Entertainment, a studio formed by some of the creators of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare franchise.
My wariness was due to the tie between the insanely popular military FPS and the studio – I burned out on Call of Duty’s particular brand of rapid-paced multiplayer matches a few years ago and haven’t felt inclined to return to the series since.
But, having loaded into my first match of Titanfall, I was instantly won over.

It does share some similarities with Call of Duty – you unlock new weapons, Titans and abilities by gaining progressive levels, and post-death killcams entertainingly show you which 20-foot high robot or pinpoint-accurate sniper took you down this time – but beyond that, Titanfall is by every mark its own game.
Movement is versatile and freeform – as a pilot you can wallrun and vault a la Mirror’s Edge, and even give yourself a little boost in the air using a double-jump.

The changes are minor, but make a big difference. The Titans are surprisingly nimble, meaning that the pilots’ added mobility skills help them even the playing field.
Matches consist of six players on each team, for a total of 12 overall. However, every player can call in their Titan after a given amount of time – reduced with each enemy kill or objective completion – and choose to either jump in and control it themselves, or let it stand guard or follow them around, meaning that 12 players and 12 Titans could possibly be running around the map at any one time.