South Africa's ruling ANC, torn by the worst rift in its history, on Sunday began a conference expected to put controversial politician Jacob Zuma on track to become the country's next president.

A bitter struggle between supporters of Zuma and current South African President Thabo Mbeki for leadership of the party has deeply divided the previously monolithic ANC, which has led Africa's biggest economy since the end of apartheid in 1994.

Reflecting the concern of party veterans, Nelson Mandela told delegates in a message: "Of course it saddens us to see and hear of the nature of the differences currently in the organisation."

Mbeki defended his record in his opening conference speech, but acknowledged the gravity of the divisions. "Completely unacceptable tendencies have emerged within our movement, which threaten the very survival of the ANC," he said.

Zuma, a populist who has recovered from a corruption scandal and a $#@! trial, in which he was acquitted, is almost certain to become president when Mbeki steps down in 2009 if he wins leadership of the dominant African National Congress.

He has already secured a strong majority of party branch nominations but Mbeki is still fighting to fend off the challenge and secure his third term as ANC leader.

This would give him strong influence over the choice of next president, even though he is barred from standing again himself.

But almost all bets are on Zuma. Delegates said Mbeki had missed a chance to rally support, instead making a detailed three-hour speech on his policies that sent some delegates to sleep while others sat in stony silence.