via Computer and Video Games

If you've been hmming and ahhing over whether to buy CD Projekt's RPG The Witcher, then a demo may help you decide.

A 1.97GB taster just released lets you play the "first part of the prologue in which the seeds of the story are sown and the white haired witcher Geralt learns the rudiments of combat", the game's publisher Atari has whispered in our ear.

"The prologue is followed by the entirety of Act 1, during which Geralt of Rivia will see the first threads of the story weave their web around him and be called upon to slay man and beast to stay alive and earn his keep."

The Witcher drops you into the fantasy boots of professional monster slayer Geralt, and is based on the works of Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. You can read a review here.

Oh, and you can download the demo of The Witcher here.