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Thread: NVIDIA's nForce 780i SLI MCP gets official

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    General games NVIDIA's nForce 780i SLI MCP gets official

    via Engadget

    Hot on the heels of NVIDIA's 3-way SLI system hitting all sorts of test benches comes word that the outfit is cranking out its brand new nForce 780i SLI MCP (media and communications processor). That's right kids, the self-proclaimed "must-have gaming platform for Intel Yorkfield CPUs" is finally out in the open, and aside from playing nice with Intel's QX9650, it also supports PCI Express Gen 2.0, 3-way SLI and the new Enthusiast System Architecture specification.

    Apparently, a number of "motherboard partners" including Asus, Falcon Northwest, HP, Gigabyte, Hypersonic and Voodoo PC are already planning to offer nForce 780i SLI MCP-based products, and judging by NVIDIA's holiday themed press release, we'd wager that you'll see the aforementioned items seeping out sooner rather than later.

  2. #2


    So, I'm guessing it's more powerful and expensive then the geforce series, but isn't as widely supported.

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