"Around two million unique users" participated in theTitanfall beta, according to Respawn Entertainment community manager Abbie Heppe.
She told Polygon that the Xbox One and PC beta enabled Respawn to identify a number of bugs ahead of the game's mid-March release and build ties with what the studio hopes will develop into a long-term fanbase.
On the possibility of a trouble-free launch for the game, Heppe said: "You never want to say that everything is going to be perfect. Obviously there are things that can change. But you don't want to say, 'oh, no, there will still be problems,' because you don't want to give people a lack of confidence in what you're doing.
"I think that this beta was really about giving people confidence that not only will we be communicative with them, but we're actively trying to work out any bugs now.
"We're still looking for tweaks to certain weapons or other things," Heppe added. "The designers spent a lot of time watching videos and streams of people playing to try and look and see how they were abusing things or not understanding things."
Get our Titanfall beta impressions and watch exclusive gameplay footage in our recent Titanfall preview.
In related news, NeoGAF user sangreal has posted what is claimed to be a list of Titanfall achievements for Xbox.
Publisher EA has confirmed a PC and Xbox One Titanfall release date of March 11, 2014 in North America and March 13 in Europe. The Xbox 360 version, which is being handled by Bluepoint Games, was recentlydelayed until March 25 in the US and March 28 in Europe.
