ccpspita has released a new version of MyPSP Robotics:

This version, of the robotics project on PSP, add the support to the GOCR algorithm. The GOCR algorithm give the possibility to read a text on a Image, and in the next release it will be able to read a text from an image taking with a GoCam. Imagine the PSP to read a book to your place!

Now MyEye implements also GOCR: Optical Character recognition from images.

Here some instructions on how to use MyEye - GOCR for reading the text that is in text.png and text.pbm images under
ms0:\PSP\GAME\MyPSPv4.4.5 \WorkArea\GOCR .

At present the implementation is a Beta Test ed it uses the native GOCR source code.
Text within Images is red from .pbm (Portable Bit map) format, and on the PSP display it is used a converted image
in .png format.

Next evolution of MyEye GOCR will be using the native GoCam .jpg images to read text that is captured alive.

If you like to test MyEye GOCR, let substitute
ms0:\PSP\GAME\MyPSPv4.4.5 \WorkArea\GOCR\text.pbm
ms0:\PSP\GAME\MyPSPv4.4.5 \WorkArea\GOCR\text.png
with your own text images of size no more than 180x100 pixels and size of character similar to the original
test images.

MyEye GOCR will read them!

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