Twitch game broadcasting is coming to Microsoft's Xbox One console next month to coincide with the release of Titanfall.
Speaking to the Associated Press, Twitch CEO Emmett Shear said the service would launch on the hardware on March 11th.
"It's complete integration," said Shear.
"It's exciting because we've never had the ability to broadcast from a console like this with such a deep level of integration. The concept of being able to join a broadcasters' party is really cool, and it's another step in the direction of interacting more closely with broadcasters."
Twitch streaming has already been available on Sony's PS4 since launch, and has been used a plethora of times by players.
During the Christmas period between December 23rd and January 3rd, 20 per cent of all Twitch game broadcasts were said to have come from the PS4. As of last month, more than 1.7 million game streams had been broadcast by PS4 users via Twitch and Ustream.
Those streams attracted nearly 22 million spectate sessions, with broadcasts totalling more than 55 million minutes.