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Thread: I think I've become a crash test dummy

  1. #1
    PS3 User Mister Klownes's Avatar
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    Default I think I've become a crash test dummy

    Currently running 3.71M33-3, which I've noticed since at least the last update, crashes alarmingly frequently. Specifically, It will crash when running videos, every time it reaches the end of a file (which means hitting skip is an instant crash.) By crash, I mean I'll get what I've been referring to as the PSP's Blue Screen of Death (the one where it says the setting information's been corrupted in about ten different languages.) I Then have to run through the initial setup and whatnot. It's not a colossal problem, as I've yet to brick anything, but it's a serious concern in that regard, and it makes it so I can't watch videos.

    However, while writing this, I decided to check my older PSP, which I've got at 3.71M33, but never bothered to update. It runs the videos fine, and will not crash when skipping files, or playing them through.

    Video isn't the only issue. I've had it crash randomly on multiple occaisions, but never gave it much thought until revently.

    My question is: Has anyone else experienced these issues? Is there a fix I may have missed at some point? and is there an approximate date for when we'll see 3.80M33?

    Oh and, sorry about the horrible thread title, but it's the only thing I could think of.

  2. #2
    PS3 User Mister Klownes's Avatar
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    Update: Just found the M33-4 Update, guessed I should murk lore. However, after updating, It still crashes in exactly the same fashion. Currently looking at recovery options to just downgrade then get back to 3.71m33 and not upgrade past that.

  3. #3
    PS3 User Mister Klownes's Avatar
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    Update again: Just downgraded back to 1.50, then up to 3.71. Still gives me the same cashing errors. I wonder if it isn't due to the fact that my two PSPs have different motherboards. In any case, I'll be going right back to 3.71M33-4 and, I guess, Just using the older PSP for video. I hope whatever this issue is, that it is addressed in future CFWs.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Legend mike_jmg's Avatar
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    ehmm, there's no such issue
    I think is just yours

    try the solutions that everyone says when they don't know what's wrong, but for some reason work

    Reset default settings and if it still crashes, use the option in recovery that says format flash1

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