via Vooks

Nintendo has posted their January release dates for the Japanese Virtual console. It gives other territories an idea to what we might be getting here as well. First up for the NES is a previously JP/EU title in Devil World, Hudson’s Master Takahashi's Adventure Island, Mappy and Yie Air Kung Fu. There is only one title for the SNES so far for January, which is Super R-Type. The N64 also gets another boost with the snowboarding title 1080 Snowboarding on the list.

The third party systems are not left out. Well, not all of them. The Mega Drive gets the RPG favourite Phantasy Star II as well as Monster World IV (Japan only for the time being). The TG-16 game also keeps on rolling with Samurai Ghost, Super Air Zonk and the CD Version of Military Madness. Both Neo Geo fans miss out.