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Thread: Robot Sees Your Face, Scrawls a Tepid Likeness

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    Forum Robot Sees Your Face, Scrawls a Tepid Likeness

    via Gizmodo

    Just when we were thinking there weren't quite enough people who could draw faces, along comes a robot created by researcher Sylvain Calinon that can sketch a workmanlike likeness of someone within its field of vision. See the courteous contraption doing its dirtywork in a video on the next page.

    We wonder why the robot's handlers insisted on using a pen that must be dipped in an inkwell. But that's one polite robot, saying thank you to its slavemaster. One thing we can say for its artistic ability: It can certainly draw straight lines for the frame. We'd like to see what an artistic robot will be able to do 10 years from now, though.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Old Pro The Hombrew Hunter's Avatar
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    We've had one of these at our local Science Center (Carnegie Science Center, Pittsburgh, PA) for years.

    It took a picture and went from there, though.

    This must be different?

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