News/release from Abcd1234:

Welcome to the home page for my port of NetHack to the Nintendo DS. The goal of this project is to create a port of NetHack for the DS utilizing the unique features of the DS to create an easy-to-use NetHacking experience. I think I've succeeded in that goal. I'm probably wrong.

An unscaled, scrolling map view on the lower screen, which can be interacted with using the touchscreen.
Minimap, message, and status information rendered to the top screen.
Support for 16- and 256-color BMP tilesets, including non-rectangular tiles (tiles must have dimensions which are a multiple of 8, e.g. 8x8, 8x16, etc).
Support for text mode, with optional full color and IBM graphics.
Popup command window for easy access to the full command set.
On-screen keyboard for text input and extended commands.
Keys are almost completely configurable.
Support for both left- and right-handed modes.
Save and restore.
Sleep mode.

December 28, 2007
Version 1.13a Released.

Bah, left some debugging code in the previous release by accident, which prevented NHDS from powering off after a save. This is fixed.

December 27, 2007
Version 1.13 Released.

Presents a saved game selection menu if there are multiple saves available.
Enables key repeats for all game commands.
Includes this patch, which adds some special wall colours, etc, to specific areas. By default, this is off, by can be enabled using the mapcolors option.
Adds a new movement mode, dubbed triggermode, which can be enabled through defaults.nh.
Trigger mode is an interesting new movement scheme devised by a fellow named Mesh. But, rather than try to describe it myself, why not quote the inventor?

'Could there be an optional movement mode where no movement occured until a specific "movement" button was pressed?

For example, you'd hold the D-pad in the upper right position and press B, and the character would move diagonally to the upper right. You'd hold the D-pad in the down position and press B, and the character would move down etc. (and when no directional buttons were pressed, the movement button would perform its regular mapped function - I'd personally map it to wait or search) The same thing could perhaps be done for zapping, firing and all directional input. I think it would be a more elegant solution.'

See the packaged defaults.nh for how to enable this mode..

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