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Thread: DCEmu Asks - Nintendo 64 a History & Whats the greatest Nintendo 64 Game Ever ?

  1. #21
    DCEmu Rookie Balthasar00's Avatar
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    Well, Zelda OOT is certainly the game that involved the biggest development budget and skilled devs. The story was also great but I had more pleasure with Mystical ninja Goemon. I'll have to vote for Konami instead of Miyamoto.

  2. #22
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    the best is so Goldeneye and Doom 64, phenomenal.

  3. #23
    DCEmu Old Pro bah's Avatar
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    Pilotwings 64.

  4. #24
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    Overall, the N64 was an abortion scraped together from the fallout of the Sony CD attempt and then the Phillips CD attempt. Capable hardware utterly throttled by an obsolete and overly-expensive cartridge format. While the Sony and Sega machines were able to sell first-run games at around $40, no new N64 game was put on the shelf for less than seventy.
    There was no surprise that the system rapidly devolved into racing game after racing game after racing game. The awkward three-hand controller didn't help either.

    The best game was Paper Mario.

  5. #25
    DCEmu Rookie Mew's Avatar
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    you all forget:

    Turok 2
    Conkers Bad Fur Day

  6. #26


    Super Mario 64

  7. #27


    conker's bad fur day, zelda 0oT, super mario 64 and Zelda majora's mask.

  8. #28
    DCEmu Pro Hawq's Avatar
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    I have no best just a few favourites, Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye (also my nephews favourite), Perfect Dark, Pilotwings, Wave Race, Conkers Bad Fur Day, Blast Corps (highly underrated game by many) & Evangelion

  9. #29


    First of all, I have to give a shoutout to the N64 my opinion, it was the best controller ever made. Anyone who's played Goldeneye and picked guys off with headshots through the small glass window in the door can tell you that you just can't get precision like that from todays controllers. The N64 was my all time favorite system so I'm just going to rattle off the games I loved:

    All time favorite goes out to Mario Kart 64. If you've never played this game with 3 other decent players, you've missed out on one of the most fun experiences ever. Hands down the best Karts game ever made.

    Blast Corps. I have to agree with Hawq...this game was awesome. I made it all the way to the Moon and loved every second of it. Pure fun.

    Pilotwings 64. The grandfather of the current Grand Theft Auto games...the first game I ever freely explored. If you've never seen the rocket take off or Nessie or Mount Rushmore you've got to give this a play through. I'm still looking for the soundtrack on CD...I loved the birdman level music!

    Space Station Silicon Valley. I didn't have high hopes for this one but I got it cheap and was blown away. Created by the guys who would later form Rockstar Games, this game was like imagination on crack. You play as a microchip that can take over the bodies of animals after they're dead. Another must play.

    Mario 64. I was hooked right from the under water level. It was beautiful...its still hard to believe it didn't take them 10 years to put that game together.

    Goldeneye. In my opinion, only Half Life 2 and Noone Lives Forever have come close to the magic that was the 1 player campaign. The multiplayer was incredible despite the lack of options. Why hasn't anyone ported this damn game???

    Perfect Dark. At its heart it was Goldeneye 2. The ability to play coop made me squeal with glee. The multiplayer options (playing against bots, objective based missions) have yet to be matched and that's a damn shame.

    Quake 64. I loved Quake and I loved it on the N64.

    Zelda's. You've all played them...I still to this day haven't completed Majora's Mask!!!

    Beetle Adventure Racing. I've always hated straight racing games...this one had you collecting boxes hidden throughout the level and exploring different paths. Dinosaurs and space ships made appearances. If you ever made it to the haunted level I think you know why this game is on this list.

    Turok 2. Something about stomping around with that blade and cutting dudes heads off never got old with me.

    Conker 64. Hilarious. I must have said "I can't believe they actually released this!" 100 times.

    Command and Conquer 64. Hey, it's C&C!

    Diddy Kong Racing. Not the best game ever made, but hey...its Mario Kart with an adventure to complete...I really enjoyed it!

    Waverace 64. Anyone that thought the N64 was underpowered needs to play this until you hit a giant wave. An arcade level experience.

    Excitebike 64. Probably the most underrated game for the system, it came out towards the end and nobody I know of played it. It was an amazing game.

    New Tetris. I don't think this ever came out in the U.S. so I was quite pleased to be able to play it using emulation. The game we all know and love but with a cool techno soundtrack.

    Paper Mario. This game was hilarious and the spiritual sequel to Mario RPG. A great game.

    Star Wars Rogue Squadron. Come on...this game was a classic. The challenge level was perfect.

    Superman 64. JUST KIDDING! GARBAGE!!!

    Vigilante 8 1 and 2. Think Twisted Metal. I loved playing through these games and opening everything up. Great stuff.

    WCW/NWO Revenge. This game made my blood boil. Playing 4 players often resulted in fights with my friends...its hard to dismiss the greatness of this game though!

    There's alot more great games for the system, but these are the ones I want to be buried with! If I could play all these one day on my PSP I would be sooo psyched!!!!!!!

  10. #30
    DCEmu Old Pro bah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Qmark View Post
    ...The awkward three-hand controller didn't help either....
    Awkward perhaps, but at least it brought t he analog stick back to consoles.

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