News/release from Johnny McKinney

Anyway I wanted to release an app I made. The main reason I made this was to see if I could port the old one I made from LUA to C++. In which I did. It was simple, I just mainly wanted to see if I could do it, but when I released it about a year and a half ago I had a few people to like it because it was so simple, so I figured I would port it to be smaller of a file size and more advanced.

Basically if your analog stick is acting up you can find out if you need to replace it by using this program. If the X and Y are not between 120 and 125 then thats ok, if they are in the 140's you may need to replace your analog stick like I had to.

Additional Information: I do plan on updating this one more time to fix a bug that made the screen act like it was in progressive mode. After that I plan on actually making some sort of game. I just don't know what yet. Any ideas I'd be up to it.

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via Johnny McKinney