Kickstarted voice-controlled strategy game There Came an Echo has been pencilled in for release on Xbox One in 2015.
The game is currently in development for PC at indie outfit Iridium Studios, which successfully Kickstarted the title a year ago, raising just over $115,000, exceeding its original goal of $95,000.
In it, the player takes on the role of the field commander of a small squad, using their voice to direct units around a map to accomplish various objectives.
While there's a list of predefined commands (such as "open fire" or "Corrin, head to Bravo 3"), players will also be able to create their own custom phrases to replace the defaults (for example, "give 'em hell" instead of "open fire").
The PC version of There Came an Echo is due for release on Steam this October, while the Xbox One version will arrive next year, Iridium said in a new interview with Polygon.
"Really, Kinect is just a microphone to us," said Iridium's Jason Wishnov. "We use a regular headset during development, and we expect a lot of people will simply opt to use standard controls. I don't even blame them, really.
"The Xbox One dash voice commands are bizarrely inconsistent. Our focus remains on the PC, so in that respect, I wouldn't expect the Xbox One version to be wildly different. Still, optionally raising your hand to your ear to give a command seems like something we should put in there."