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Thread: XBOX 360 concerns?

  1. #1

    Default XBOX 360 concerns?

    Does anyone have any concerns about the 360 please do share them.

    I will start with a few of mine. Please let me know your opinions and concerns thanks.

    1) X360 is supposed to be the ultimate HD gaming machine but it's using a standard definition disc format. (9GB) capacity.

    2) Backwards compatability for only top selling games!
    Patches for other games are to be put on xbox live, but what about those people without highspeed internet and xbox live?

    3) $60.00 per game

    4) only 3 months until launch and there is still lag issues even on beta dev kits.

    5) multi-core machine.Sure it's powerful, but so was sega saturn and look how hard that was to program for.

    6) PS3 will cost more but also offer 50GB blu-ray disc for HD games and movies.

    these are some of my complaints please tell me yours.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie krowstrife's Avatar
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    you provide extremely good points
    mainly the media format Dvd, they should go with Hd-Dvd much more space, as for the programing mcrosoft is sending great devkits, has for lag, the current devkits aren't max power yet, all of your other concerns i more or less concur

  3. #3


    oh dude I couldn't agree more. My point is that more beta kits should be available 4 months away from lainch.

  4. #4
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimpyjr

    1) X360 is supposed to be the ultimate HD gaming machine but it's using a standard definition disc format. (9GB) capacity.
    only time will tell if thats a problem
    2) Backwards compatability for only top selling games!
    Patches for other games are to be put on xbox live, but what about those people without highspeed internet and xbox live?
    there will be 2 versions of xbox live, gold and silver. silver is free, and it includes downloading content
    3) $60.00 per game
    i don't know

    4) only 3 months until launch and there is still lag issues even on beta dev kits.
    i think there is a lot of rummors about the beta kits, but not enought hard info
    5) multi-core machine.Sure it's powerful, but so was sega saturn and look how hard that was to program for.
    the saturn is nothing like the xbox 360 (and i'm not talking about power), its stupid to compare, and with XNA the 360 could be the easyest of the next gen to program for
    6) PS3 will cost more but also offer 50GB blu-ray disc for HD games and movies.
    again hard to tell how important this is (will blu-ray replaces dvds, joe public does not like to keep buying new stuff unless there is a good reason to)

    remember, sony back betamax over VHS (betamax what better), but as we all know VHS won.... its hard to tell what going to happen int he future

  5. #5


    the silver version of live isn't for playing the games, didn't you hear? All you can do is chat with other users and design T-Shirts for people to download off of xbox marketplace. LOL :-)

  6. #6


    Another thing is that both microsoft and sony are stressing that HD is the way to go. So if joe gamer wants to play his games the way they are meant to be played he will need an HD set.

    Both sony and microsoft will make use of HD to it's max. Microsoft has even said that future versions of the 360 will utilize HD-DVD or another format. Blu-ray maybe hint hint hint

    Blu ray wont destroy dvd it will merley join it.
    Some people with HD sets want HD content and they will get it, and some have SD sets and they will be able to play their dvd's.

    so PS3 users can have their cake and eat it to.

  7. #7
    Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Darksaviour69's Avatar
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    u can stilll download game content with the silver version (Patches), basicly the only important thing u can't do with silver is play multiplayer online games

  8. #8


    witch is the whole point of xbox live

  9. #9


    Now that microsoft is considering putting HD-DVD drives in their later xbox360 systems, how do you feel this will affect the launch systems?

    I feel it will have a negative outcome, because nobody will spend 300 dollars on a machine that will need to be replaced in a few months.

    wait for PS3 folks, it will cost more but will have more functionality with less hastle.

  10. #10
    PSP User AKB's Avatar
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    how funny, i still think ps3 is better if killzone looks as good as the trailor

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