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Thread: Speakers and wireless devices don't mix

  1. #1
    PSP User ScarletShadow's Avatar
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    Default Speakers and wireless devices don't mix

    Okay, so a while ago I got some brand new Logitech 6.1 speakers. The sound was great, even though my onboard sound card only supported 5.1. I was moving around the time that I got them, so I didn't have much time to test them out. After I was all settled in my new house, I had my setup pretty organized with 3 of my speakers on the top of my desk with the wireless router and modem. Eventually I noticed some loud pops and cracks from my speakers for no reason. I instantly thought that my onboard was junk, so I went and bought an Audigy 2. The sound was fantastic until the pops and cracks started again. My second guess was that the power outlet was being overused, (which it was) so I ran an extension cord into another room. Once again with no success, I went back to thinking. I was pretty sure by this time that it was my speakers, or the computer, so I went upstairs and hooked them to my gamecube. After of a few hours of Smash Bros. I noticed no sound issues. I took the speakers back down to my computer and decided to live with the loud noises and only use the speakers when I have to. The other day I was downloading some movies, so I disconnected my wireless router to avoid any issues. After it finished, I watched the whole thing without any problems from the sound. I went back to connect the router again when my eyes lit up as the answer hit me. I never did read any warnings or instructions, but the reasoning behind the distortions seemed perfectly logical.

    Can anyone else confirm that wireless devices can indeed interfere with speakers, or had similar experiences? I feel pretty stupid for not figuring this out sooner.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Oldbie Eric's Avatar
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    Yes it is true that wireless devices can pick up information from other devices like Radio and possibly powerful tool equipment like a saw and that is one reason folks i dont have any wireless equipment. I have heard pops and cracking sounds before aswell you should check to see if your tweaters are alright aswell.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Pro ptr.exe's Avatar
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    You can get magnetically shielded speakers, i'm fairly sure they block out wireless interference.
    Although im fairly sure that all electronic equipment has to accept interferience to conform to FCC standards, or something like that.

    Anyway, at least you found what it was, ive had loads of things like that where i check every possible reason only to find it was something really obvious that i never spotted.

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