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Thread: A little help with purchasing a M3 perfect card

  1. #1
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Jan 2008
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    Default A little help with purchasing a M3 perfect card

    Hi guys

    I'm new to all this stuff (bet you've heard that before)

    All I really want is to be able to play my backed up GBA games I'm not interested in mp3, video playback and all that stuff Nes emu would be nice though. I also want to be able to save my data to a SD mini or standard card

    I've been trawling through the net for two days now and from what i gather the M3 perfect SD mini is.... well perfect for what I want, however I can't seem to find one anywhere!

    I keep seeing M3 lite DS or pro DS etc but I imagine these only work on the DS

    Can anyone clarify

    1) Where can I get the M3 perfect from which works on a Gameboy Advance (I live in the UK and only want to use Pay Pal)

    2) Do any of the ones with DS in the title work on the GBA if so which would be suitable

    3) If I can't get an M3 that meets my requirements what other options do I have? I was looking at the Super Card mini sd but I from what I understands it's not perfect

    Thanks a lot for your time, please help!

  2. #2


    probably stopped selling those. get an m3 real perfect bundle

  3. #3
    DCEmu Newbie
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
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    M3 Perfect (slot 2 device) mini sd isn't the same as M3 Real (slot 1 device).
    They're out there, but pretty expensive.

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