Noda has released a Media Encoder for the Ipod, heres the release details:

A converter videos for the iPod Touch / iPhone (and other iPods ...)
Version 1.0


Well, first thing: why the umpteenth video converter for iPod?

All iPod owners who are trying to convert videos ca know, they were all tested converisseurs existing (Vidéora, VLC, Quicktime, Xvid4PSP, GOM encoder, etc. ..), despite their numbers, there are always recurring defects:
-- It is slow
-- Ca lot of videos not beautiful
-- Ca lot of videos too big
-- Ca bug with certain formats
-- It is boring to use
-- It's too complicated
-- You can not easily convert videos full of a sudden
-- Etc.

(Happily, it's never all these defects at a time when meme)

Et comme ca do some time now that I am the happy owner of an iPod Touch, bah I started to get tired of all these converters that the c ** t'installent 5000 codecs and that you never leave the result that you want.

So before yesterday myself caught by a motive, and iPodME is born!

For my needs (and those of other people I think the coup) ca aims to be the perfect converter:
-- Small (- 3 MB), no install, no need for codecs (it is based on ffmpeg)
-- Super easy to use (no room for improvement)
-- Easily handles batches of files to be converted, with the possibility of dragging (you can even add files while ca encode)
-- Can be forgotten in background (possibility of changing the priority)
-- 6 profiles suited to the majority of needs:
* 3-speed encoding (plus c'est slow and the better the quality), and each is chosen to optimize the file for a small size or better quality. I spent the aprem tweaker to these profiles, you tell me news

So now, I ca do in 2 days y'a therefore means that bugs can trainer in the corner, I count on you to test it and let me know your suggestions

I will see in the future to add support for subtitles (embedded in the videos), I wait for the moment your return on the quality and performance of different profiles.


-- Public version 1e

How to use:

Droppez few video files in the list, and click "Convert"
The converted files are created in the same directory as the converter.

Other information:

Requires. NET framework 2.0 minimum.

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