via Computer and Video Games

Sega has given the first detail of its partnership with International Sports Multimedia to create official games of the Beijing 2008 Olympics.

Eurocom Entertainment is behind 360, PS3 and PC versions of the game (the only ones being talked about at the moment) that'll be available this summer. Sega says the games will feature "authentic simulations" of over 35 events and incorporate control schemes that allow n00bs to learn how to play the game "while providing experienced gamers the chance to set new records".

That old chestnut. How hard can it be to learn the old "bash-the-buttons-as-fast-as-you-can" technique? There'll also be online game modes that hope to bring out the Olympic Spirit in us all, but we doubt it somehow - especially over Xbox Live.

"After the successful launch of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games, we are delighted to announce the official video game of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games," said Gary Knight, marketing director at Sega. "Combining an enjoyable game with a truly global sporting license will provide a fantastic sports game experience for gamers everywhere".

More in the build up to the opening ceremony. In the meantime, take a look at the first screens below, taken from the 360 version.
