CCP's virtual-reality star fighter EVE: Valkyrie is also in development for Sony's recently announced VR headset, Project Morpheus.

Though CCP and Oculus VR had announced a co-publishing agreement for the game, a spokesperson from CCP has told Polygon that the exclusive partnership only extends to the PC version of the game, for use with the Oculus Rift headset.

"We partnered with Oculus VR to bring EVE: Valkyrie exclusively to the Oculus Rift on PC and we are thrilled to be working with Sony to bring EVE: Valkyrie to the PS4 with Project Morpheus," a CCP spokesperson said.

EVE: Valkyrie, previously known as EVE VR, is a multiplayer space fighting action game within the universe of the MMO EVE Online, designed with virtual reality in mind. CCP's VR title is expected to arrive on PC sometime in 2014.