Allons-y! The TARDIS has landed on Steam, bringing with it the Doctor and his faithful companion, Amy Pond. BBC's Doctor Who: The Adventure Games arenow available through Valve's digital distribution service for the Earthly sum of $19.99. These episodic games follow Matt Smith's version of the character through five stories, including "City of the Daleks," "Blood of the Cybermen," and "Shadows of the Vashta Nerada."

Of course, if you live in the UK, this is all moot. You can thwart interstellar villains and save the universe with a sassy sidekick for free.

Also yes, we know we combined a reference to Tennant's Doctor with information about Smith's in the opening, there. But don't worry, that seeming disconnect will be retconned faster than you can say "timey-wimey, wibbly-wobbly."