Bohemia Interactive attempted an Arma 2 port for Xbox 360 that ultimately didn't pan out, the developer has revealed.
In an interview with Eurogamer, Arma 2 project lead Joris-Jan van t' Land discussed the attempt to port the popular PC shooter to Microsoft's 360 console, but ultimately determined the team “couldn't get it right.”
That said, van t' Land confirmed multiplatform plans are in the works for Bohemia's next project – though he wouldn't confirm what other hardware is specifically being considered at this time.
"We have the plans in place for that. Whatever is next [ie Arma 4], I don't think a lot will happen this year in terms of pre-production. But 2015 will be the year when we need to start thinking about what's next. We don't have concrete plans at the moment.
"I think it will be something in the franchise [the next game], but we're not sure what. And the company is growing, as you've seen — many new offices — so there are more resources as well to handle multiple [things]."
Bohemia is currently supporting its latest release, Arma 3 – pledging at least two more years of support for the sequel.