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Thread: 4 Iphones Stolen in 10 Seconds

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Home/News 4 Iphones Stolen in 10 Seconds

    By night i work on the DCEmu Website its a great hobby because of my love of homebrew and emulation and if im honest i get a buzz from the search for news and the excitement of every release and breakthrough.

    By day i work as a gardener (although a bloody great one winning many prizes as part of a small team, ie Local National and once even a Euro Award part of my job is spotting those who are ding crime or about to, Flashers, Murderers, Stab Victims, Muggers, Rapists ive seen a lot over the years in my job but living in Nottingham and originating from Stanns its something im used to.

    Which Brings me to tonight, after picking the wife up i had to go to our local Carphone Warehouse in Daybrook Nottingham and on the way there i spotted 3 youths with hoods up, i commented to the wife with something like look at those muppets.

    As we turned into the carpark of the shop the same 3 youths were looking very shiftily into the Shop and usually i let the wife go in whilst i sit out side but not liking the way that they were looking around and i just knew they were gonna try something i walked in with the wife.

    On entering the shop i spoke to the lone woman at the till that theres 3 youths to the right of the door, bear in mind that it was dark at this time she got her manager to come to the till too, a minute or so later the 3 black youths walked in with hoods down, at that moment a few more people walked in and they seemed to hover then walk out.

    a few minutes later the shop was empty apart from me my wife and the 2 shop workers, it was then they rushed in with scissors and cut the alarm cables to the stand with the Apple Iphones on demonstration and rushed to head out the door, the shop manager blocked the door and one threatened to stab him so he wisely back away. The youths ran off, i did try to give chase but they had disapeared into the park next to the shop.

    So in the space of 10 Seconds they had stolen 4 brand new Apple Iphones, no chargers but i would assume they would have sim cards of some type in as demo models, lets hope that one they get caught and 2 that the phones are totally blocked.

    The police will be arriving soon to take a statement off us, do you know the funny thing, the gits are only sending me a refurnished phone for the phone of mine that was knackered.

    That was my night, fun eh :P, but at least no one was hurt so should be thankful.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Rookie
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    Are you ok? LOL be careful, you might get accused of being racist. I dont understand why they put their hoods down since they could be caught on camera.

  3. #3
    DCEmu Coder Sektor's Avatar
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    They'll most likely get away with it. At least no one was hurt. Nearly 3 months ago, I was using my PSP on the train and some guy just took it out of my hands and put it in his back pocket. Fortunately he was alone, had no weapons and the train was still moving, so he had no where to go. My brother and some other passengers actually helped me out and held him down while I got my PSP back. I just got some minor scratches on my arms but I made the mistake of backing off when I got my property back and he got away. The police took my details but didn't contact me for a statement until 3 months later (I tried to give one earlier but they said don't call us, we'll call you).
    Last edited by Sektor; January 16th, 2008 at 20:40.

  4. #4
    PSP User ab_geee_eee's Avatar
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    well it was good you didnt let your wife go alone

  5. #5
    PS3 User Mister Klownes's Avatar
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    holy's like Adventures in Being Wraggster

  6. #6
    DCEmu Regular porchemasi's Avatar
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    thank god no one was hurt!

  7. #7


    Holy crap. Come live in Canada, you only read about this stuff happening elsewhere...

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