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Thread: Shadowprophet and the cursed ring. A true story...

  1. #1
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Unhappy Shadowprophet and the cursed ring. A true story...

    It sounds like a story book doesn't it?
    But oddly it's a true story.

    The day approaches soon, Collectors corner will be official. Collectors corner will be a page dedicated to collectables and retro gaming. But not just the old stuff. we will be covering anything from cool to classic. Warm fuzzy memories that's what collectors corner will be all about. Today, I was brain storming for a few articles to post on CC. And I was blasted with memories of a cursed ring I own. Yes. It's a real ring and yes it's truly cursed. What? Curses don't exist you say? Well set back and let me tell you a story of a 19 year old shadowprophet and the cursed ring.

    There was a time in shadows life before he met his current wife. That only one woman held his fancy. The sun and moon and stars yea all of existence collided to light this woman's smile. She was my everything. But her parents where sadly not such patrons of greatness. They hated shadow and everything he stood for. They where for proper context of the story and lack of a better word, some what snobby and aristocratic.

    Shadow was just to common for their daughter. They where very very rich. And Ultimately I just didn't have the funds to impress them. I endured their puns and jabs for two years until finely me and her secretly got engaged. This left me with the task of finding a ring that would suit her beauty. I searched high and low for months. I was becoming desperate. Finely one of my friends moms. Who didn't like heather.

    "She had told me repeatedly. Darren, Your just too good for that snobby girl. and you need to worry about getting girls you don't have to jump through hoops for on a daily basis to impress" "but I was in love and heather was everything I thought I wanted" Cliffs mom told me, I know where you can find a really pretty engagement ring, I asked about the ring.

    Bonnie, "that's cliffs mom" Told me one of her friends was dating a some what wealthy man, and he proposed to her. She turned him down. but he gave her the ring anyway, She was looking to sell the ring cheaply just to get rid of the memory. I thought to myself , "It's not like I have any other options at the moment it couldn't hurt to look" I finely met the woman and I saw the ring. It was indeed a ring that justly suited heathers beauty. I purchased it on the spot for five hundred dollars, It was all the money I had saved up for a ring for heather working at a saw mill in Tennessee at the time. I took the ring to Rodney's jewelry to get it resized. They looked at the ring then they looked at me. A saw mill worker from Tennessee. Then they asked where I got the ring. I told them my story, and they said. Do you need someone to escort you home with this?

    I was like. That's kind of unusual. The woman told me the diamond in the ring was a half carrot african blue diamond worth 12 thousand dollars" I was both shocked and thrilled. Surely this ring would impress heathers parents, Then surely I would have their blessing.

    Days went by, I waited to give her the ring till the right time. I presented the ring to heather on her birthday, February 16th, That day was her 17th birthday, Her parents saw the ring and where completely floored, Heather loved it. Her mom said that is indeed an impressive ring. But my daughter isn't getting married, she's going to college and then business school. You may present it to her as a friendship ring.

    I spoke to heather after the party, I still had the ring in my possession. Heather told me she intended to get married but she was going to college to please her mom.
    I asked her why does college interfere with our marriage so much anyway? We can still get married and make it work. Heather said to me and I will never forget this. Mom promised me If i finish college she will buy me that car I wanted.

    It was at that second my heart broke, and I realized. This was more then a game to heathers parents, I was more then a joke to those people. It was my determination in the face of adversity that was feeding their ego's. And not just heathers parents. But heather as well. That I was so smitten with her. I would have done anything to be with her. It was all a game to her too.

    She told me I could still give the ring to her as a friendship ring. I put the ring as deeply into my dirty saw mill stained leather jacket as I could, And walked away.

    I never spoke to heathers parents again . heather tried to call a few times. But her conversations always turned to the ring. That cursed ring. It became more then just a ring. It was an object of desire that ment more to her then I ever did.

    And it wasnt the ring. It was that after two years of humilation and determination, And hard work. A car ment more then our marriage. My love for heather changed and transformed into a bitter resentment.

    Or really, Can love truly ever die. Once your heart devotes itself to someone. How much punsihment can it take and still love on.

    Years have passed, I Am now married to a woman I love. My pride refuses to even think about heather and her lust for things and money. But in my heart there will always be a place that belongs only to her. Even though its locked away, It's still there burning brightly.

    I lay my hand on a stack of bibles and swear to this stories authenticy, As elquently worded as it all was. That only chaucks up to a flair for writing. Each and every event in this story happened to me. I still have the ring. And I didn't give it to my current wife. As I view it as a cursed ring that brings nothing but sadness. From the original owner and his lost love, To mine and my lost love. That ring is locked away in a strong box in my junk room. It will never trouble another love struck individual as long as I live.


  2. #2
    DCEmu Old Pro SnesR0X's Avatar
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    That's a touching story shades, but I'm glad not everything turned out so bad

  3. #3
    The Filipino Guy kcajblue's Avatar
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    dude. that sucks.
    she refused marriage just for a car.
    if she really loved you, she wouldnt have went only to please her mom to get a car.

  4. #4
    DCEmu Newsposter Triv1um's Avatar
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    I LOVE YOU SHADOW!.........

    Can I have the ring?..

    No seriously... Can I?
    PSN (PS3/PS4/Vita)/NintendoID - Triv1umx
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  5. #5
    LUA Coder mexicansnake's Avatar
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    Dude thats so sad , but she would not care about the car if she loved you...
    Maybe its cursed here in Mexico when something (a thing or object) was used in a sad, violent... situation it gets something we call "vibras" (sort of bad luck) and it becomes cursed and gives bad luck to the user. But you know I dont belive all of that stuff but indeed your story was sad .

    RIP: Agapito Elber Gudo.
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    Chema! Te lo lavas!
    Have a nice day! lmao

  6. #6
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    Default Thanks guys.

    I loved her very much, But maybe the ring is a blessed ring after all. I can only imagine the kind of life I would have had marrying into a family where I constantly had to prove myself worthy. That ring may have saved me a lot of stress and heartache.

    I would have gladly gave my life for that girl. But now I'm married to a woman, that worships me. I have a woman That loves me just as deeply as I ever loved heather. And if it wasn't for the trouble the ring caused, I may have married heather and lived an unhappy and stressful life constantly trying to life up to their imposable expectations of me.

  7. #7
    DCEmu Newsposter Triv1um's Avatar
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    Nah, on a more serious note (from my last post), I think a guy/girl should never have to prove anything to anyone for a marriage, marriages should just fall together, not forced.

    If you're happy now, why look back right?
    PSN (PS3/PS4/Vita)/NintendoID - Triv1umx
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  8. #8
    DCEmu Legend shadowprophet's Avatar
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    well, love is kind of like a fire. It's hard to stamp out. I sometimes wonder if true love ever stops. Its one of those things that when a person experiences it. Win or lose you will never be able to forget about it.

    Time will pass and things will change. But that part of your heart that held all that love for that person, Is forever lost in that moment.

  9. #9
    Extraterrestrial ExcruciationX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadowprophet View Post
    well, love is kind of like a fire. It's hard to stamp out. I sometimes wonder if true love ever stops. Its one of those things that when a person experiences it. Win or lose you will never be able to forget about it.

    Time will pass and things will change. But that part of your heart that held all that love for that person, Is forever lost in that moment.

    Can I call you Darren?

  10. #10

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