This is a port of the Raven/Id first person shooter game Hexen. It incorporates pieces of heavily modified code from several of Peter van Sebille projects, along with much of my own work. This port has been verified to work on A920 phones, but is expected to work on A925, A1000, P800, P900, & P910 phones as well. This port has working 8 channel sound, games can be saved and loaded, the screen can be configured for landscape right or left mode, and many of the phones buttons are configurable and usable in the game.

Controls. The game play is controlled via the keys and/or touch screen. There are quite a few on-screen buttons used within the game play. Four hard key's are during game play. Here's a run-down of the hard keys and on-screen buttons:

Direction Keys - used for the basic up, down, left, right movement

Touch Screen Navigation - touch screen can be used to move around as well. Press the touch screen and make a motion in the direction of the desired movement.

Platform hard keys sould be mapped to Fire, Use, Jump, Strafe Toggle, & Fly Toggle features. All five of these are configurable via the Options menu of the app. The Strafe Toggle feature allows you to toggle on or off strafe movement (side-ways while still looking forward) The Fly Toggle feature allows you to toggle on or off flying mode, in which the up and down keys (or touch screen) are used to fly up and down.

Enter & Esc On-Screen keys - used to enter or exit or select within the Hexen menu

Virtual Keyboard On-Screen key - turns on or off the virtual keyboard

1/2/3/4/5/6/7 On-Screen keys - used to switch weapons within the game

Map On-Screen key - used to view the levels map

Square On-Screen key - map-able to any of the above configurable key features via the Options menu

Y/N On-Screen keys - used for two purposes, first to answer Y/N questions within the Hexen menu Second, 'N' is used to select an inventory item and 'Y' is used to "Use" the selected item

Load/Save On-Screen key - short cuts to the Hexen menu game Load & Save options.

Place WAD file on the memory card in "\Media files\document\hexen", the game will look for them there.