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Thread: SnesPSP TYL v0.1 Released

  1. #41
    DCEmu Newbie
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    I tried 4 games:

    FF2: This game worked like a charm till the red wings landed and the castle scene loaded up, it froze. Anybody else have this issue? I'll try it again when I'm "working."

    FF3: Ran somewhat slow but still faster than any previous emulator.

    Chrono Trigger: I could get this game to run well, but as somebody above mentioned, there are slow-downs during battles. I've also noticed that any time a new song began or any sound effect went off, the sound would echo and scratch up quite a bit.

    Secret of Mana: This game ran like a dream, the starting text when making your character was somewhat messed up like it had been cut off, perhaps this was due to the zoom1? I'll try that later. This game also had the sound issue mentioned above.

  2. #42
    PSP Coder
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    spar- i had the freeze at the same time. it whets my whistle though. Imagine Hardware-supported Mode7... which seems to be a crippling graphic effect right now.

    FF3/6 - next release baby... next release... (read their site)

    I played Super Metroid quickly this morning and had it freeze on me right when the baby metroid is "abducted"... but then I reloaded it this afternoon and am playing it fine.

    there's something random that I'm sure they're looking at.
    considering -- I believe -- the team may soon be involving "y" as well... good thing laxer is in Japan with knowledge of the language too. Reaching out is vital!
    R-E-S-P-E-C-T : the proper places and people deserve it

  3. #43


    Could someone explain the 5 graphic modes for me....I just dont get them....

  4. #44
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Quote Originally Posted by economizer0
    Anyone else getting Echoes?

    I'm playing secret of mana and what ever sound other then the music echoes like the swing of the sword and gauge finnished charging...

    Or any way to fix this?


    Set the sound frequency to 22khz.

  5. #45
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default Nope

    None of the games I like run (good) without turning off smoothing, upping the frameskip, etc..

  6. #46
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Thank you for pointing that out to me Smiths. Just in case anybody else missed their battle plan for upcoming patches:

    # Planned future feature: (please DO NOT READ AS everything in next release !!!)
    # 1/FF6 Game speedup. (found a trick after we released, will be in next release, now run at full speed).
    # 2/Sound Emulation moved to the Media Engine. (hope a 10 to 15% increase in performance.)
    # 3/User friendly Cool menu system with realtime help.
    # 4/Netplay in infrastructure mode and adhoc mode.
    # 5/Optimisation of the CPU core emulation (write a JIT and/or rewrite the CPU emulation part in MIPS asm)
    # 6/Rewrite of the PPU rendering to change from "FLUSH" into one pass frame rendering.
    # 7/Configurable Autofire/Configurable input.
    # 8/Display of Snes PAD to be able to understand which color / button name map the PSP.
    # 9/Optimization of mode7 seems possible.(hope a 10 to 15% increase here too)
    # 10/Increased compatibility with games.
    # 11/Setup profile loader : ability to setup profiles per game.
    So many user can send us later their setup and we can gather them in the next release.
    # 12/Some CPU core optimization.
    # 13/Try to optimize battery life as much as possible.
    # 14/SPC Player.
    # 15/Speed hacks (SnesAdvance).

    I find the Netplay very interesting but it will probably be one of the last things they implement.

  7. #47


    Holy crap, this is the most exciting release of the week/month. I've tried just about every game and compared (nothing scientific, just feel/etc), and the second I turn off smoothing, everything is just blazing (making one exception for Donkey Kong type games). This emu has promise, and from what I see on the update list, it'll be the best SNES emu on the PSP. Now that's something for the 2.0ers to be jealous about.

    Bugs that I've found (just visual so far):
    Long rom names wrap around and continue into the left side of the rom list.

    Although this isn't neccesarily a problem, it looks kind of odd when saving because the long names extend past the box.

    If I think of any more I see I'll say it, but I CAN say that smoothing should be turned off default because people new or with a lesser understanding of the emulation scene might not know what an incredible change that can make.

    Wow, this is great, excited to see the next release.

  8. #48
    DCEmu Newbie Izlude's Avatar
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    great emulator, finally one that handles sound at a relatively decent rate. although i've noticed one nasty freezup with Lufia II, seems to lock up every single time after the first battle in the tower above Narcysus, any setting i should tweak? cant seem to get anywhere with it.

  9. #49
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default battery life

    Great work Yoyo....

    BTW how's the battery life when you use Yoyo's emulator for an extended period of time (at 222mhz or at 333mhz)? I haven't had a chance to really play for longer than 10 minutes with this thing. does it drain as fast as a UMD at 222 mhz?

  10. #50
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Great Emulator. My main nitpicks are that the menu scroll is a little slow, it wraps from bottom back to the top and vice-versa (if I'm scrolling to the bottom of the menu really fast, I have to stop and back backtrack because I end up back at the top), and finally, it would be great if every game could have it's own settings instead of having to reconfigure every time you switch games. Other than that, I love it. This emulator really does rock.

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