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Thread: Be a Guitar Hero record breaker

  1. #1
    Nightmaren Shrygue's Avatar
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    General games Be a Guitar Hero record breaker

    via Eurogamer

    Guinness World Records is inviting gamers to help break the record for the longest ever Guitar Hero relay marathon.

    The UK leg of the record attempt will take place at HMV Oxford street on Wednesday 6th February. A mysterious celebrity guest will kick off proceedings at 6pm, and play will continue until the baton is passed to New York at 8pm.

    For the relay record, players will be in pairs and will perform one track each. You'll get just 15 seconds between songs to hand over to the next pair.

    You can also attempt to break the record for the highest score set by six people playing one guitar. Each person will be responsible for playing either a single key or the strum bar.

    To register for the event, all you need to do is email [email protected].

    The event is being held to celebrate the launch of the Guinness World Records: Gamer's Edition 2008. It's just like the regular GWR book but all about videogames. Packed with high scores, hardware guides, trivia, reviews and more, it's a fantastic read for anyone who likes games - or indeed anyone who can read.

    By pure coincidence, Eurogamer's Ellie Gibson was a consultant editor on the book. There are plenty of other familiar Eurogamer faces in it too - Oli Welsh did the platformers section, while Dan Whitehead did action-adventure and Dave McCarthy did shooters. Martyn Carroll and Martin Korda did the puzzle and sports sections respectively. Yep, jobs for the boys all right.

    "Videogaming was one of the most popular sections of our annual book," explained Gamer's Edition editor Keith Pullin.

    "We are delighted to now give videogame records the space they deserve. The book is a must have for every gaming enthusiast!"

    "Please buy it," added Gibson.

    Guinness World Records - Gamer's Edition 2008 is out on February 8th, priced GBP 15 but already under a tenner on an Internet near you. Signed editions available on request please respect my family's right to live a normal life.

  2. #2
    CONSOLE HOARDER VampDude's Avatar
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    If the event is on the 6th and the book is out on the 8th, then I'm presuming that if a record is broken on the 6th we will have to wait until 2009.

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