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Thread: Save HD-DVD petition

  1. #11
    DCEmu Old Pro bah's Avatar
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    I would have preferred HD-DVD to win personally, but signing a petition is pretty damn worthless (even for a online petition). It seems the studios have made their choice for the format with more DRM and more expensive blank media and I would say nothing bar a huge upsurge in HD-DVD sales and drop in Blu-Ray ones to make any difference.

  2. #12
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    ...Petition never work when it s all about money... But the hd dvd isn t dead yet. Its probably going to remplace dvd has a storage media for the pc...I beleave a blank hd dvd is cheaper than a blank blueray disk...

  3. #13
    DCEmu Old Pro Baboon's Avatar
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    I coudln't care less what format wins as neither effects my gaming expereince, plus I already have a vast dvd collection that does a perfectly good job..

    Online petitions never ever work... blu ray has already won the movie war... blah, blah, blah

  4. #14


    if it's like the vhs vs betamax war, what won it was the p0rn industry (honest!)

    being honest, hd-dvd surpasses lots of stuff blu-ray does (firmware upgrade)

    i liked hd-dvd, the name made sense and it had a lot of potential, but they delayed it, made the drives slow as hell and basically allowed blu-ray to run riot on the ps3

    i'll sign, but it won't make much difference

  5. #15
    DCEmu Old Pro Elven6's Avatar
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    I really don't know how well this petition will work, but it has 2 things going for it:

    1. Alot of people are signing it, if it reaches atleast 100 000 (The magic number for good sellers on next gen media), it might get some sort of response out of people.

    2. It has mass media attention, if you go to google news and type in HD DVD, your bound to get reports about the petition, not just from small sites, but from sites like IGN, Gizmodo, Kotaku, Engadget. FWC, etc.

  6. #16
    DCEmu Newbie
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    Default how blu-ray became my choice format

    I think it was a smart move of sony putting blu-ray into ps3. When I first got my HDTV the only nex-gen sytem I owned was Xbox 360. The gaming was phenomenal! I was excited to pick up a HDdvd movie and check that out on my TV, then thats when I found out that 360 DOES play HDdvd, with the exception of having to buy a seperate drive!! So I just waited it out untill I got a PS3, and started using blu-ray. (and i got those 5 free Blu-ray disks) For me i went with blu-ray for the fact that it was easily available to me, never even got to compare the 2.
    PS. Wraggster- you say warner should go back to being format neutral or go HD-DVD exclusive , then in the fist paragraph of the petition it says "but how about all the consumers that bought HD-DVD movies and hardware for the holidays, or all the loyal HD-DVD fans like myself that own Warner HD-DVDs? Warner just screwed them all."
    So my guess is you don't care if people with blu-ray get screwed....just as long as it's not you?! I happen to like blu-ray, but I still would have signed the petition for warner being format neutral, but definatly not to be HD-DVD exclusive

  7. #17
    DCEmu Reviewer Shadowblind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzar721 View Post
    I think it was a smart move of sony putting blu-ray into ps3. When I first got my HDTV the only nex-gen sytem I owned was Xbox 360. The gaming was phenomenal! I was excited to pick up a HDdvd movie and check that out on my TV, then thats when I found out that 360 DOES play HDdvd, with the exception of having to buy a seperate drive!! So I just waited it out untill I got a PS3, and started using blu-ray. (and i got those 5 free Blu-ray disks) For me i went with blu-ray for the fact that it was easily available to me, never even got to compare the 2.
    PS. Wraggster- you say warner should go back to being format neutral or go HD-DVD exclusive , then in the fist paragraph of the petition it says "but how about all the consumers that bought HD-DVD movies and hardware for the holidays, or all the loyal HD-DVD fans like myself that own Warner HD-DVDs? Warner just screwed them all."
    So my guess is you don't care if people with blu-ray get screwed....just as long as it's not you?! I happen to like blu-ray, but I still would have signed the petition for warner being format neutral, but definatly not to be HD-DVD exclusive
    Trust me--if Warner went back to both, Blu-Ray wouldn't die. Warner is by no means the only movie corp out there, mmbucko.

  8. #18
    DCEmu Old Pro Elven6's Avatar
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    Bizzar: Firstly, those without a PS3 Blu Ray player were screwed by the BDA in the first place. Since they are going to have to rebuy their players mabye 2 more times! And Blu Ray has more studio support then HD DVD, so Warner going to HD DVD won't hurt them any, it will just even the playing field.

  9. #19


    As much as I think this is retarded and will never work. I still respect anyone who signs this

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