via Computer and Video Games

Microsoft has revealed its latest financial results and bugger us, its Entertainment & Devices Division (that's Zune and Xbox) has actually made a profit! Again!

The company reports that it's managed to rake in $357 million [£180.36m] in operating income for the final quarter of the year.

Last quarter it reported income of $165 million - [£83.33m] so that's too quarters in a row the E&DD devision has managed to make money. Impressive if you remember the days when it through billions at the original Xbox with nothing in return.

In its last quarter the company pointed to strong sales of Halo 3, the Xbox 360 and video game accessories as revenue drivers. The latest profits can probably be put down to erm, exactly the same things (plus Christmas, of course).

This puts Microsoft's E&DD team up over a half-billion for fiscal year 2008. After years of promising then, the Xbox 360 business could finally be in the black. What does this mean for Microsoft's game strategy in 2008? We'll let you know when we see some...