2002-launched Novauris was actually acquired on the quiet in 2013.
Apple Maps was a fail, prompting the company to acquire multiple location startups to strengthen the native service throughout last year.
Seemingly in hope Siri won't fall to such harsh criticism, Apple has bought UK speech recognition company Novauris – the Latin for "new ear" or "new hearing" – according to TechCrunch.
NovaSearch is its flagship product, which identifies complete phrases against an inventory that can run on devices or servers, boasting access to 245 million items.
Apple confirmed the acquisition but nothing more, while Novauris co-founder Melvyn Hunt revealed he and the team now work for Apple, and that the company is no longer active.
Self-described as a 'speech access company, Novauris "believes that voice will become the interface of choice for consumer applications of all types."
