well im working with jomart2000 and a guy named darkfoxsniper at www.pspmod.com and im working on perfecting the halo psp that jomart is making. i have perfected alot of lag in the game and right now im struggling to find programs to edit some of the skins and such. at the pspmod.com my user name is The_Mechanix. so pspdemon or anyone else can they help or maybe pspdemon can you help make some weapons and such for it maybe(skins) and help me skin the masterchief model. thanks in advanced im trying to make this the best mod ever but the ionly problem is i suck at finding out where the skin is located to edit it and well jomart really is not good at skinning thats where darkfoxsniper comes in, hes finding the skins so i can edit them, im taking out glitches in the game and hes inserting the skins that i make. all i need is some enlightenment into how to do all this iv never taken on a task like this before and i need some help. thanks very much in advanced.