via Computer and Video Games

In what we're taking as an effort to preserve our sanity, Eidos will be releasing Monster Lab on Wii and DS this year, a game that's not (a) a port, (b) a mini-game collection or (c) a self-improvement non-game. Huzzah!

Players take on the role of an apprentice scientist who must perform a vast array of intricate experiments to create their own monster.

They can then take their monster out into the world and explore the land, hunting other monsters, taking on quests and finding ingredients to make more monster parts.

Okay, so it's not Bioshock, but compared to the slim pickings presently coming to the Wii we're overjoyed just because there's actually gameplay in this Wii game.

The game also works online, where players can challenge and compete with their friends in multiplayer combat, or trade to collect monster parts necessary to build stronger monsters.

Whether or not the DS and Wii versions communicate, we're unsure. We're chasing some answers though.
