via Computer and Video Games

Turning Point developer Spark Unlimited has taken time out of polishing Turning Point: Fall of Liberty to ease our minds that the game might not be up there with COD4.

You can see us playing the demo in question right here, which - as we said - features a few dodgy glitches that we certainly hope will be ironed out before release. The response, via an IGN Blog, reads:

Our Response to Player Feedback on the Turning Point Xbox 360 Demo

We just wanted to take a moment to personally thank everyone who took the time to download the Turning Point: Fall of Liberty demo and to comment on our work in progress. All of your feedback is very valuable to us and we are working hard to meet your expectations with the final version of the game.

Since the demo was finalized, the team has put several months of work into the code and we thought you might like to know that a number of questions raised by those trying the demo will be positively addressed in the final game.

For example:

Optimized targeting and movement: Optional control settings have been refined to alleviate sluggishness in the slowest setting and the 'on ice' feeling at the faster settings. Also, a user-defined soft lock has been added which means that controls can be set so once an enemy is hit with a bullet the crosshair will 'stick' to the target.

Refined AI behavior: The dynamic intelligence and pathfinding for enemies has also been enhanced. The 'hot point' based system should add to Turning Point's replay experience.

Ammo levels and grappling optimized: Up until final submissions, the team has been listening to playtest feedback and doing everything possible to create a 'civilian at war' feeling. The end result is an experience more visceral than the demo, relying less on repeated ammo refills, and more on the grappling and the hand-to-hand combat.

Final Mip-mapping and texture levels: The art team has also been able to further optimize lighting, textures, and effects throughout the title.

Again, thank you for all your feedback and support as we finalize Turning Point: Fall of Liberty and continue to do everything possible to deliver on our goal of creating a fantastic and entertaining experience for you.


The Team at Spark Unlimited