Google has launched a revamped version of its mobile search for select markets. The service is available in the UK, USA, France, Germany and Canada. The new system offers blended results and has a stronger location-based element. Blended results mix in local and news search results with web search results. In practice this means that Google shows the result type that it thinks is most relevant first. Read on for more and lots of screenshot examples.

The new version also features a redesign which gives the service a cleaner look and feel and closer association with the PC version.

A single search box replaces the previous search box with radio option (for search type).

The results that appear depend on the keywords used. Many results will be pure search results, as shown in the N82 example above. However other results will blend in other information. For example a search for arsenal will bring up information about the last match that Arsenal Football Club played, then some related news (second screenshot below) and finally some pure web search results. Similarly a search for darling news will feature recent news stories about the UK Chancellor Alistair Darling first and then present general search results.