via Engadget

Usually we spot console modders adding a few LEDs to their boxen, squeezing in some extra memory or perhaps even changing a form factor altogether, but it's rare to see these hackers actually hack in some original functionality.

Cyberpyrot over at Acid Mods is taking this whole modding business to a whole new level with his voice recognition controller for the Xbox 360, which involves some heavy hacking and a bit of hardware kit wizardry to let you control teh Halos with merely the silky smooth sound of your voice.

The mod is ostensibly designed to help out the mobility impaired, but we all know it's going to be primarily used by slothful nerds (you know, those "purists" that didn't pick up a Wii) who have decided that even repetitive finger motions are too much of an effort. The current mod can handle 10 different voice commands, check out a video of it in action after the break.

More information and videos at Acidmods