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Thread: SBI won't boot on my dreamcast?

  1. #1

    Default SBI won't boot on my dreamcast?

    what could be the possible errors? my dreamcast can play cdr's. my disc was for gba games and i had to make a new folder for the roms. not sure what i do with append and i made a sbi2boot with disc juggler. the sbi was 37 mb and the cdi was 1 mb. thanks in advnace. oh and when i do try it, it just reloads dreamcast and goes to the menu.

  2. #2
    DCEmu Pro ptr.exe's Avatar
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    Wait, your trying to burn .sbi files with discjuggler? can you do that?

    also, there is no gba emulator for DC that can play commercial roms. You may have downloaded the one that can do homebrew, and im fairly sure the sbi file of that will only play the included h/b roms. Making that new folder may be the problem.

    I think the problem is how your burning it, use SelfbootInducer, extract the file then burn using the selfbootinducer aswell, you cant really go wrong as there is a tutorial included with selfbootinducer. You can download selfbootinducer's set up file (Sbindv4.exe) here as well as various .sbi files.

  3. #3


    lol, wow i screwed up. thanks alot i'll try it and see what happens. oh, and will there ever be a gba emulator for the dreamcast that emulates comercial games? and maybe at full screen?

  4. #4
    DCEmu Pro ptr.exe's Avatar
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    lol. It's so funny when you realise you've made a stupid error, has happened to me many times

    As for a commercial GBA emu it's very unlikely. I'm not a coder but from what i know it would be hard as hell to code to run at a decent speed. Also DC ram is only 8MB whereas most GBA roms are larger than that eg. Golden Sun is 16MB. So wouldnt really be worth it anyway, as games wouldnt fit.

  5. #5


    There's a guide for using SelfbootInducer and SBI files here:

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