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Thread: The Most Powerful New Console

  1. #1
    Won Hung Lo wraggster's Avatar
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    Default The Most Powerful New Console

    Is it too early to accurately gauge which next-generation console is going to be the leader where raw processing power is concerned? Perhaps so, but that hasn't stopped critics and gamers alike from forming strong opinions about these attractive new machines.

    According to a recent poll of more than 15,000 readers, nearly 55% or some 8,234 participants believe that Sony's PlayStation 3 will be the most powerful next-generation console. Meanwhile, 31% of those polled, or 4846 readers, believe that Microsoft's Xbox 360 system will offer the most processing muscle during the next round.
    Microsoft's Xbox 360 console, scheduled to launch in America this November, aims to deliver gamers immersive new play experiences enveloped in high-definition visuals. The system will also capitalize on the company's well-established Xbox Live service, which promises to bridge distances and bring gamers together for online-based matches and tournaments. Games for the system look sharper and more realistic than ever before. In fact, titles like Gears of War show dramatic graphical enhancements over current-generation software.

    However, some pundits believe that a surprisingly strong showing of PlayStation 3 at last May's Electronics Entertainment Expo may have taken Microsoft by surprise and swayed some potential 360 owners just as the console was gaining steam. Others suggest that Sony's unparalleled marketing powers, which kicked off well before PS3 materialized with talk of its powerful Cell chip, may have influenced gamers' opinions about the hardware.

    The most logical reason that readers believe in PS3's power, though, may have less to do with E3 showings or marketing muscle and more to do with Moore's Law, which states that in general processing power doubles every 18 months while prices fall. The fact of the matter is, PlayStation 3 is set to release at least six months after Xbox 360, and possibly longer still, which in of itself suggests the machine will be more powerful.

    That's all good and fine. But why, then, do only 10%, or 1,591 of readers polled, believe that Nintendo's next-generation consoled, codenamed Revolution, will be the most powerful of the bunch? The machine is expected to debut in late 2006, making it the last of the next-generation platforms. Doesn't Moore's Law apply? Apparently not. Nintendo has publicly stated on several occasions that its focus with Revolution is not raw processing power, but rather to create a small, quiet and affordable console.

    Only 4.3%, or 669 readers polled, said they had not yet formed an opinion about which console would be the most powerful in the next-generation wars.

  2. #2


    xbox 360 will fail and PS3 and revolution will reign supreme!


  3. #3


    I bet if you run this poll against current console the results will be the same... truth is that Sony's machine lies a long way behind the two rivals but Joe Public (who stupidly uses the bundled composite lead) cannot see the clear picture.

    Gimpyjr, you cannot judge the next-gen machines until they are in the public domain. I have all 4 current gen machines (DC, PS2, GC and Xbox) and it is dead easy to put them in order of power. However power is not the be all and end all. Take the GameCube it is the 2nd most powerful machine of the current crop, but whilst occasionly the games look very good; as a console it is the worst.

  4. #4


    I can and I am :-)

    PS3 will clearly be better than 360 for a few reasons.

    1. PS3 comes out a full year after 360

    2. BLU-RAY 50GB disc compared to 360's 9GB disc

    3. 360 MAY adopt HD-DVD, in which case you will have to spend $300.00 more to buy a new 360.

    4. Microsoft says that the new HD-DVD format will be used for movies only and not Games.

    5. 360 launches in november but the games are still choppy. Not a good sign.

    6. you have to wait until 2006 for Halo 3 and Gears of War the 2 most promising 360 games.

    7. 360 games will be shorter than current games due to disc space constraints. Some such games are PGR3 and Oblivion the only other 360 games that show promise. (this statement has been confirmed by various developers)

    Face it guys xbox 360 is going to be a fat waste of money in the long run. first you have to buy the console $300 then the games $60 and then you'll have to upgrade to HD-DVD an additional $300 to replace your obsolete 360. Also if you don't have Live you have to pay for a gold membership so you can play online. silver memberships are only for chatting folks! That should cost you another $60.

    So to get yourself going with all the bells and whistles you will need $710.00

    PS3 will probably cost $600.00 Fully equiped.

    good day! :-)

  5. #5
    DCEmu Legend Cap'n 1time's Avatar
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    games are not choppy, they were using differant hardware to display things. you know that and i cant believe you brought it up.

    i dont give a rats ass about how powerfull a system is. the truth is.. Im happier playing my Neogeo CD or my DC instead of playing all the current next gen CRAP. old school or no school. THE ONLY reason I own an xbox is for homebrewing.

    Of course i do own a GC.. but thats just because nintendo knows how things work. (old school) so untill I see some homebrew and emulation for the 360 or ps3... well they both suck imo.

  6. #6


    gimpyjr, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. I was going to write a long explaination why, but I really can't be bothered. Somebody else do it for me.

  7. #7


    How am I setting myself up for disappointment? I don't feel like xbox 360 will be worth $300.

    is that a crime? so sue me! im just showing what both sony and microsoft really are. Money sucking coorporate enteties.

    The point im trying to get across is that microsoft will swindle more of your money than sony will!

    That's all guys. I feel that all gamers will get more bang for their buck out of PS3.


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