In an interview published in the current issue of Famitsu, Microsoft corporate vice president and chief of worldwide Xbox marketing Peter Moore trumpeted the upcoming Xbox 360 launch in Japan. Even though surveys have shown Japanese gamers to be indifferent to Microsoft's console, the exec gave a number of reasons why he is certain that the machine will succeed in the Japanese market .

Moore seems extremely satisfied with his Xbox Summit 2005 presentation last month, where he unveiled a number of Japanese publishers that will support the Xbox 360. He said that the Xbox Summit served as a chance to show exactly how much third-party publishers in Japan are serious about the Xbox 360. Moore believes that Microsoft's good relationships with key Japanese publishers over the past few years contributed to the summit's major announcements. He also noted that gaming has become a worldwide business, and the Xbox 360 will be another chance for Japanese publishers to expand further into the global market.

While Moore regrets that the current Xbox console hasn't had much to offer Japanese gamers, he did say that Microsoft now better understands their tastes. Microsoft announced a strong lineup of third-party titles, such as Ridge Racer 6, Rumble Roses XX, and a new Gundam game, during last month's event. Microsoft also realizes that role-playing games are vital in penetrating the Japanese market, so it signed on former Square Enix producer Hironobu Sakaguchi to create two titles, Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey. Moore believes that the trio of Sakaguchi, Tetsuya Mizuguchi, and Yoshiki Okamoto will spur interest in the Xbox 360.

When asked how he felt about Sony Computer Entertainment and its PlayStation 3, Moore said that most consumers believe the Xbox 360 and PS3 to be similar in terms of their hardware and market strategy. However, Moore believes otherwise. He explained that Microsoft's main concern with the Xbox 360 is to expand the gaming industry's gamer population. After listening to SCE president Ken Kutaragi speak on the PS3, he believes that SCE is trying to push the industry into a different direction. Moore emphasized that the PS3's price won't be affordable to normal households.

Speaking of price, Moore did not reveal the retail cost of the Xbox 360, but he did say that it would be affordable and would be announced very soon.